Undermining Democracy: The European Commission's Controversial Push for Digital Surveillance – Danny Mekić
Dannymekic.com · 2023-10-15 11 min Biography Quotes Nederlands Menu Danny Mekić. Speaker Chairman Entrepreneur NewTeam StrategyCooker HackathonFactory Innovation Company Innovations Automotive & Innovation Banks & Innovation Education & Innovation Healthcare & Innovation
Perche' il dialogo su IA e' improduttivo e autoreferenziale Il Fatto Quotidiano
Ilfattoquotidiano.it · 2023-08-15 5 min Uno dei temi di maggior fascino del nostro tempo è certamente quello dell’intelligenza artificiale, dei suoi possibili sviluppi e future applicazioni. Sebbene il rapporto con la tecnica sia un argomento tutt’altro che nuovo (cui si sono dedicati filosofi come Martin Heidegge
Google attempts to defend Web Environment Integrity proposal
Theregister.com · 2023-07-28 6 min Google's Web Environment Integrity (WEI) proposal, according to one of the developers working on the controversial fraud fighting project, aims to make the web "more private and safe."Ben Wiser, a software engineer at the Chocolate Factory, responded on Wednesday to serious conce
Gestione automatica dei consensi della privacy online
Wired.it · 2023-06-25 2 min Una soluzione automatizzata per redigere e gestire i contratti su privacy, dati e altro, ottenendo il consenso o il rifiuto degli utenti in diversi contesti. Si chiama Clickwrap ed è il nuovo software as a service (Saas) ideato per le aziende da Namirial, azienda leader nella fo
Do Foundation Model Providers Comply with the Draft EU AI Act? (germany)
Crfm.stanford.edu · 2023-06-22 14 min Stanford researchers evaluate foundation model providers like OpenAI and Google for their compliance with proposed EU law on AI.Requirements   Rubrics   Grades   GitHubFoundation models like ChatGPT are transforming society with their remarkable capabilities, serious risks
Nasce INAD, l’Indice Nazionale dei Domicili Digitali
Agid.gov.it · 2023-06-12 3 min Al via l’Indice Nazionale dei Domicili Digitali (INAD): da oggi i cittadini possono registrare su INAD il proprio domicilio digitale, come per esempio un indirizzo PEC attivato in precedenza, dove ricevere tutte le comunicazioni ufficiali da parte della Pubblica Amministrazione
Data mining, big data, machine learning nei tributi e negli immobili
Agenziaentrate.gov.it · 2023-06-03 56 min DATA MINING E MACHINE LEARNING : LA NUOVA FRONTIERA DEI BIG DATA NEL SETTORE IMMOBILIARE Maurizio Festa * Capo Ufficio Statistiche e studi sul mercato immobiliare – OMI Agenzia delle Entrate. I contenuti dell’articolo impegnano la responsabilità dell’autor
Per il Tribunale dell´Unione Europea la nozione di dato personale è relativa
Rivista.camminodiritto.it · 2023-05-06 16 min \n') //newwin.document.close() } function CloseDiv(ID){ document.getElementById(ID).style.display='none'; } function ShowDiv(ID){ document.getElementById(ID).style.display='inherit'; } function ShowDiv3(ID){ var blocchi = d
[Dossier IA générative] ChatGPT : un beau parleur bien entraîné
Linc.cnil.fr · 2023-04-27 20 min Sommaire : - ChatGPT : un beau parleur bien entraîné (1/4) - Quelle régulation pour la conception des IA génératives ? (2/4) - De l'entraînement à la pratique : l'IA générative et ses usages (3/4) - [Exploration LINC] - Les travaux d’IAsterix : les systèmes d'IA mis
[Dossier IA générative] ChatGPT : un beau parleur bien entraîné
Linc.cnil.fr · 2023-04-26 20 min Sommaire : - ChatGPT : un beau parleur bien entraîné (1/4) - Quelle régulation pour la conception des IA génératives ? (2/4) - De l'entraînement à la pratique : l'IA générative et ses usages (3/4) - [Exploration LINC] - Les travaux d’IAsterix : les systèmes d'IA mis
Wordpress Wordpress : List of security vulnerabilities
Cvedetails.com · 2023-04-13 < 1 min CVE is a registred trademark of the MITRE Corporation and the authoritative source of CVE content is MITRE's CVE web site. CWE is a registred trademark of the MITRE Corporation and the authoritative source of CWE content is MITRE's CWE web site. OVAL is a registered tradema
Carta Identità Elettronica si usa come Spid, il videotutorial
Key4biz.it · 2023-04-11 2 min La Carta d’Identità Elettronica si usa in modo facile come Spid. Finalmente.  Sì, finalmente, per chi ha la carta d’identità elettronica, in particolare per i cittadini con almeno 5 anni, è possibile accedere ai servizi online della Pubblica Amministrazione e dei privati
Katharina Koerner on LinkedIn: US Strategy on PETs/PPDSA | 11 comments
Linkedin.com · 2023-04-08 1 min Katharina KoernerPrincipal Researcher - Technology @IAPP • Privacy, Security, Responsible ML/AI, PETs • Bridging the world between privacy, policy, and IT1d EditedLast week, the US National Science and Technology Council published the National Strategy to Advance Privacy-Pres
Corte Costituzionale Federale Tedesca: no all&#039;analisi di big data da parte della Polizia
Zdf.de · 2023-04-03 3 min Die Regelungen zum Einsatz einer neuartigen Datenanalyse-Software bei der Polizei sind in ihrer derzeitigen Form verfassungswidrig. Das gab das Bundesverfassungsgericht bekannt. Innerhalb von Sekunden aus einer riesigen Anzahl an Informationen die wichtigen Hinweise rausfilter
Meetup.com · 2023-04-03 < 1 min wallabag can't retrieve contents for this article. Please troubleshoot this issue.
Stephan Engberg on LinkedIn: Why eidAS 2.0 / EU Digital Wallet is Untrustworthy &amp; How to Make it…
Linkedin.com · 2023-04-03 2 min Stephan EngbergSpecialist in trustworthy identity, security and data sharing10mo EditedTrustworthy PKI is a game changer. A lot of problems in the world can be traced back to one and the same problem - how to balance presumably contradicting security problems. Discussions about c
Privacy Friendly Apps improved privacy protection on the smartphone
Secuso.aifb.kit.edu · 2023-03-24 4 min We use our smartphone for private conversations, store our contacts and organise our meetings with it. The access to all this sensitive data is handled with the so-called permissions. It means, for example, that each app that requires the smartphone camera needs to get the corres
Italian Privacy &amp; Cybersecurity Think Tank on LinkedIn: Garante austriaco sugli strumenti di tracciamento di Meta
Linkedin.com · 2023-03-17 < 1 min ‼️ Il #garanteprivacy austriaco ha stabilito che l'uso del pixel di tracciamento di #Meta viola direttamente il #GDPR, a seguito di una delle 101 denunce presentate da #noyb 📌 Si tratta di una decisione che potrebbe avere notevoli impatti su ogni business perchè la s
Restic · Backups done right!
Restic.net · 2023-03-16 3 min Restic is a modern backup program that can back up your files: from Linux, BSD, Mac and Windows to many different storage types, including self-hosted and online services easily, being a single executable that you can run without a server or complex setup effectively, only
Digital Debrief – GA4 Automigration – What you NEED to know
Kristaseiden.com · 2023-03-02 8 min GA4 Automigration – What you NEED to know February 28, 2023 / Digital Analytics Google Analytics / No Comments Google is about to start auto migrating your Universal Analytics properties to GA4 for you BUT You actually DO NOT want to do this, for many many reasons.  Alread
Krista Seiden on LinkedIn: GA4 Automigration – What you NEED to know | 15 comments
Linkedin.com · 2023-03-02 < 1 min Krista SeidenFounder KS Digital, Ex-Google, Marketing Exec1d EditedGA4 Automigration... Yes, it's happening. Starting as early as this week. BUT You actually don't want this. For so many reasons. Summary: Google will migrate UA to GA4 for you based on 12 steps it considers i
Pluralistic.net · 2023-02-28 9 min Today's links VW wouldn't help find kidnapped child because his mother wasn't paying for find-my-car subscription: All the harms of surveillance, none of the benefits. Hey look at this: Delights to delectate. This day in history: 2003, 2008, 2013, 2018 Colophon: Recent publicati
The EU Digital Identity Wallet: Episode 1 An Overview
Edps.europa.eu · 2023-02-26 2 min EDPS traineesWhat is it and how does it work? What are its key data protection benefits and risks?Welcome to the first episode of a three-part podcast series focused on the EU Digital Identity Wallet (DIW), organised by the trainees of the European Data Protection Supervisor and
Cheering emerging PETs: Global privacy tech support on the rise
Iapp.org · 2023-02-13 10 min The data economy is facing a paradox. The exponential increase in the processing of personal data has created a wide array of unprecedented possibilities to gain useful insights via artificial intelligence and machine learning. At the same time, these developments expose individ
E ID: i contributi dei Pirati Europei per la #privacy Feddit.it
Feddit.it · 2023-02-09 2 min Bruxelles, 09/02/2023 – Oggi la commissione competente per l’industria, la ricerca e l’energia (ITRE) ha adottato un progetto di mandato sull’identità digitale europea (e-ID). La proposta legislativa consentirà ai cittadini dell’UE di dimostrare la propria identità t
EDPB determines privacy recommendations for use of cloud services by public sector & adopts report on Cookie Banner Task Force
Edpb.europa.eu · 2023-01-19 2 min Brussels, 18 January - Commissioner for Justice Didier Reynders participated in the Plenary meeting. He presented the draft adequacy decision for the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework to the Board and had an exchange of views with its Members. The Board is currently working on its o
Carta d'Identità Elettronica al posto dello SPID | Donna Moderna
Donnamoderna.com · 2023-01-04 5 min Da ottobre è possibile usare la Cie per accedere ai servizi della pubblica amministrazione al posto dello Spid. Esistono, però, alcune differenzeCome cambia la Carta d’Identità Elettronica Come ci si autentica con la CIE Quali operazioni si possono fare con Carta d’Identit
Shopify illegal? Wie mir die Datenschutzbehörde die Nutzung meines Shopify Shops für rechtswidrig erklärte (Erfahrungsbericht
Lsww.de · 2022-11-15 11 min Der Artikel ist am 11.11.22 erschienen und wird regelmäßig über weitere Entwicklungen zum Thema aktualisiert. Zu den Updates. Am 13.06.2022 nahm meine persönliche Erfolgsgeschichte mit Shopify eine dramatische Wendung. Die Landesbeauftragte für den Datenschutz und die Infor
Rischio digitale Innovazione e Resilienza
Risk.clusit.it · 2022-11-11 9 min Rischio digitale Innovazione e Resilienza L'analisi del rischio, ed in particolare del rischio digitale, è attualmente di primaria importanza, complice il costante incremento di soluzioni tecnologiche ed innovative che hanno comportato la progressiva evoluzione di mercati, prod
Psychotherapy extortion suspect: arrest warrant issued
Nakedsecurity.sophos.com · 2022-11-01 5 min by Imagine that you’d spoken in what you thought was total confidence to a psychotherapist, but the contents of your sessions had been saved for posterity, along with precise personal identification details such as your unique national ID number, and perhaps including addit

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