Use of Online Tracking Technologies by HIPAA Covered Entities and Business Associates | · 2024-07-27 26 min On June 20, 2024, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas issued an order declaring unlawful and vacating a portion of this guidance document. See Am. Hosp. Ass’n v. Becerra, — F. Supp. 3d ----, No. 4:23-cv-1110, 2024 WL 3075865 (N.D. Tex. June 20, 2024).
WebXray Privacy Search Engine · 2024-07-27 1 min webXray is a tool for legal and compliance professionals to find privacy violations on the web.Start a Search Pages about educational games for kids with unconsented Google ads cookies Pages about pregnancy with unconsented Google ads cookies Pages about loan applications with un
Krista Seiden on LinkedIn: GA4 Automigration – What you NEED to know | 15 comments · 2023-03-02 < 1 min Krista SeidenFounder KS Digital, Ex-Google, Marketing Exec1d EditedGA4 Automigration... Yes, it's happening. Starting as early as this week. BUT You actually don't want this. For so many reasons. Summary: Google will migrate UA to GA4 for you based on 12 steps it considers i
Firefox Cookie Banner Handling · 2023-02-28 < 1 min Important note: Cookie banner handling works with a list of domains. Only domains on that list will get automated handling regarding their cookie banners. The domains covered are on this list that was built as a mix of top sites for top countries on Firefox. We intend to gro
Configura Firefox per rifiutare automaticamente i cookie banner · 2023-02-28 < 1 min wallabag can't retrieve contents for this article. Please troubleshoot this issue.
Configure firefox to reject cookie banners automatically · 2023-02-28 < 1 min wallabag can't retrieve contents for this article. Please troubleshoot this issue.
FAQ No su GA4 del Garante danese · 2023-02-12 12 min Ennesima puntata della diatriba europea (ormai un quasi-divieto) sull’uso dei cookie di Google Analytics: lo scorso 21 settembre è intervenuto il Datatilsynet, l’autorità di controllo privacy danese. Questa volta non si tratta di un provvedimento giudiziario o sanzionatori
Bannières cookies : l’EDPB publie des exemples de pratiques non conformes · 2023-02-10 2 min L’EDPB (ou CEPD en français) a publié un rapport sur le travail effectué par sa « Cookie Banner Taskforce », concernant les bannières de cookies. Ce rapport, issu de la coopération entre les différentes autorités de protection des données européennes, est le résul
Consumer protection: manipulative online practices found on 148 out of 399 online shops screened · 2023-01-31 < 1 min wallabag can't retrieve contents for this article. Please troubleshoot this issue.
EDPB determines privacy recommendations for use of cloud services by public sector & adopts report on Cookie Banner Task Force · 2023-01-19 2 min Brussels, 18 January - Commissioner for Justice Didier Reynders participated in the Plenary meeting. He presented the draft adequacy decision for the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework to the Board and had an exchange of views with its Members. The Board is currently working on its o
Imparare dalle sanzioni per i cookies mal realizzati · 2023-01-19 6 min La CNIL, Autorità Garante per la protezione dei dati personali francese, ha emesso una sanzione nei confronti della piattaforma social TikTok pari a 5 milioni di euro. Le motivazioni poste alla base del provvedimento sanzionatorio sono due: la mancata previsione di modalità di
How to legally use Google Analytics in Europe · 2023-01-18 39 min Many website operators in Europe are at a loss: Is Google Analytics illegal? This is what recent decisions and statements by European Data Protection Authorities suggest, and some of them even say so directly. On closer inspection the situation is less black and white. Google A
Scorza: "Il 2023 della privacy: conflitti con le big tech e il nodo cookie wall" Intervento di Guido Scorza · 2023-01-13 6 min Scorza: "Il 2023 della privacy: conflitti con le big tech e il nodo cookie wall"Intervento di Guido Scorza, componente del Garante per la protezione dei dati personali(AgendaDigitale, 5 gennaio 2023) Le previsioni sulla privacy per l’anno nuovo sono difficili ma qualche trend s
Videosorveglianza nei luoghi di lavoro: il legittimo interesse deve essere adeguatamente documentato · 2023-01-13 2 min All’esito dell’attività ispettiva condotta da parte dell’Autorità Garante per la protezione dei dati personali iniziata nel 2021, l’ambito della videosorveglianza ha registrato un rilevante numero di non conformità per lo più riconducibili a trasparenza, liceità e li
AG Racine Announces Google Must Pay $9.5 Million for Using "Dark Patterns" and Deceptive Location Tracking Practices that Invade Users' Privacy · 2023-01-13 4 min Continues OAG’s Work to Hold Big Tech Companies Accountable and Protect Consumers’ PrivacyWASHINGTON, D.C. – Attorney General Karl A. Racine today announced that Google will pay $9.5 million to resolve allegations that it deceived and manipulated consumers to gain access
Microsoft Bing Cookies Sanzione Délibération SAN 2022 023 du 19 décembre 2022 CNILTEXT000046768989 · 2022-12-22 < 1 min wallabag can't retrieve contents for this article. Please troubleshoot this issue.
Come sapere quali cookie utilizza il mio sito | Italiaonline · 2022-12-18 2 min Il controllo dei cookie è fondamentale, sia per accertarsi di essere in regola con la normativa locale sia per informare gli utenti del tuo sito Web. Prima di capire come effettuare l’analisi, tuttavia, è necessario capire cosa sono i cookie.Indispensabili per migliorare la U
If enforced, EU chat control will limit Free Software FSFE · 2022-10-27 2 min on: Surely you have already heard about the controversial EU draft law on mandatory chat control with the supposed aim to effectively tackle child sexual abuse. This law implies the monitoring and scanning of the communications of citizens – even the securely encrypted end-to-e
Cookie wall: all’esame del Garante privacy le iniziative degli editori 9815415 · 2022-10-18 < 1 min wallabag can't retrieve contents for this article. Please troubleshoot this issue.
UBlock Origin Minus: an experimental Manifest v3 compatible extension gHacks Tech News · 2022-09-09 2 min Raymond Hill, the creator of the popular content blocker uBlock Origin, has published the experimental extension uBO Minus for Chromium-based browsers.The experimental extension is based on Google's Manifest V3 for extensions, which changes things significantly for extensions suc
Publication : Recommandations relatives à l’authentification multifacteur et aux mots de passe · 2022-08-31 1 min Ce guide traite de l’authentification pour tout type d’accès, c’est-à-dire du déverrouillage d’un terminal (poste Windows, Linux, etc.), de l’accès à des comptes à privilèges (par des administrateurs par exemple), de l’accès à des applications web (privées o
Ex Twitter employee found guilty of spying for Saudi Arabian government · 2022-08-12 < 1 min Privacy OverviewThis website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the w
American Phone Tracking Firm Demo’d Surveillance Powers by Spying on CIA and NSA · 2022-08-12 17 min In the months leading up to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, two obscure American startups met to discuss a potential surveillance partnership that would merge the ability to track the movements of billions of people via their phones with a constant stream of data purchased dire
Denmark bans Gmail and Co from schools due to privacy concerns. · 2022-08-07 4 min Danish schools must stop using Google's email and cloud services due to concerns or violating the high European privacy standards defined by the GDPR. According to Denmark’s data protection authority, Google’s cloud-based Workspace software suite "does not meet the requiremen
Candid Camera: Ice Cream in Exchange for Your Data · 2022-07-28 1 min July 27, 2022What year were you born? What’s your phone number? And what’s your best friend’s name? – Would you answer personal questions like these in exchange for a free ice cream on a hot summer day? On Zurich’s largest square, we have put to the test how much person
La Schengen digitale di Colao · 2022-07-09 1 min Entro il 2023 Colao vuole creare i primi tasselli di una "Schengen digitale", con ID digitale e app IO, sul modello Green Pass. Un passo in più verso il monopolio di Stato delle esperienze umane. Il min istro Vittorio Colao ha dichiarato in questi giorni che la “trasformazione
Come rimuovere i dati di Federico Leva dal vostro account Google Analytics · 2022-07-09 2 min Come rimuovere i dati di Federico Leva dal vostro account Google Analytics - Invidious Watch on YouTube(Embed)Switch Invidious InstanceEmbed LinkShow annotations Download as: 2274Genre: People & BlogsFamily friendly? YesWilson score: 0.5101Engagement: 1.7621%NicoVideecoI pass
FEDERICO LEVA: cosa fare con la mail, le motivazioni ed un INTERVISTA ESCLUSIVA · 2022-07-09 1 min Il nome FEDERICO LEVA è girato molto in questi giorni tra gli addetti del settore per #Analytics e #GDPR, per via di DECINE DI MIGLIAIA di richieste di cancellazione dati arrivate ad aziende Italiane. Facciamo un po' di chiarezza, in mezzo a tante fesserie, di COSA FARE, anche c
Google Location History: come funziona e come disabilitarlo Tecnocino · 2022-07-04 1 min Sta creando un piccolo caso il servizio Google Location History ossia la pagine che mostra, sulla mappa, tutti i luoghi dove ci si è sincronizzati e geolocalizzati. C’è chi prende questo tool come molto utile visto che riepiloga gli spostamenti e chi, invece, la vede quasi c
Cosa sono i “supercookie” che sta sperimentando la Germania · 2022-07-02 2 min Dall'inizio di aprile, i clienti di alcune compagnie telefoniche tedesche, tra cui Vodafone e Deutsche Telekom, navigano su internet in maniera leggermente diversa rispetto agli utenti degli altri operatori. Invece di vedere gli annunci pubblicitari attraverso i normali cookie di

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