DSB (austria) 2022 0.726.643
Gdprhub.eu · 2023-03-17 5 min DSB - 2022-0.726.643 Authority: DSB (austria) Jurisdiction: austria Relevant Law: Article 5(2) GDPRArticle 28 GDPRArticle 29 GDPRArticle 44 GDPR Type: Complaint Outcome: Upheld Started: 18.08.2020 Decided: 06.03.2023 Published: Fine: n/a Parties: Meta Platforms Inc. National C
Italian Privacy & Cybersecurity Think Tank on LinkedIn: Garante austriaco sugli strumenti di tracciamento di Meta
Linkedin.com · 2023-03-17 < 1 min ‼️ Il #garanteprivacy austriaco ha stabilito che l'uso del pixel di tracciamento di #Meta viola direttamente il #GDPR, a seguito di una delle 101 denunce presentate da #noyb 📌 Si tratta di una decisione che potrebbe avere notevoli impatti su ogni business perchè la s
Medical Devices Should Use Free Software +++ 25 New Videos FSFE
Fsfe.org · 2023-03-07 4 min Pubblicato il  In this issue we have a podcast episode about the need that medical devices have Free Software. Watch our talks from FOSDEM and videos about legal issues when developing. Participants of YH4F are already coding. Thanks to all your contributions, our fundraising e
FAQ No su GA4 del Garante danese
Cybersecurity360.it · 2023-02-12 12 min Ennesima puntata della diatriba europea (ormai un quasi-divieto) sull’uso dei cookie di Google Analytics: lo scorso 21 settembre è intervenuto il Datatilsynet, l’autorità di controllo privacy danese. Questa volta non si tratta di un provvedimento giudiziario o sanzionatori
Location data is personal data noyb wins appeal against Spanish DPA
Noyb.eu · 2023-01-25 1 min The Spanish Courts annulled a past decision by the Spanish DPA (AEPD). The AEPD had previously argued that Virgin telco, a telecommunications provider, had lawfully denied its customers access to their location data. noyb argued that location data was personal data and must there
How to legally use Google Analytics in Europe
Vischer.com · 2023-01-18 39 min Many website operators in Europe are at a loss: Is Google Analytics illegal? This is what recent decisions and statements by European Data Protection Authorities suggest, and some of them even say so directly. On closer inspection the situation is less black and white. Google A
Noyb win: Personalized Ads on Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp declared illegal
Noyb.eu · 2022-12-08 5 min noyb complaints: Meta's business model declared illegal in the EU according to WSJ. Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp can no longer run personalized ads without user consent As reported by The Wall Street Journal, the EDPB has decided that Meta cannot force users to agree to perso
Facebook, Whatsapp ed Instagram have to change approach to personalised ads
Radiobruxelleslibera.com · 2022-12-08 4 min By on 7 December 2022 • ( Leave a comment )The business model of the main social networks, starting with Meta, is at risk: personalized ads on Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp are in fact to be considered illegal if they have not been authorized in a clear and incontrovertible
Gli Stati europei vogliono mettere tutti i volti di chi ha una patente in un maxi sistema di riconoscimento facciale
Wired.it · 2022-10-21 3 min Tuttavia, come ricorda Statewatch, nel 2016 alcuni ricercatori dell'Università di Georgetown, negli Stati Uniti, hanno definito questo approccio  “una raccolta perpetua”, a valle di uno studio che dimostrava come oltre oceano un cittadino adulto su due fosse finito in siste
CURIA Documents
Curia.europa.eu · 2022-10-18 60 min Language of document : ECLI:EU:C:2022:756Edizione provvisoriaCONCLUSIONI DELL’AVVOCATO GENERALEM. CAMPOS SÁNCHEZ-BORDONApresentate il 6 ottobre 2022 (1)Causa C-300/21UIcontroÖsterreichische Post AG[Domanda di pronuncia pregiudiziale proposta dall’Oberster Gerichtshof (C
Alarming: Court of Justice may severely limit enforcement of European’s privacy rights
Noyb.eu · 2022-10-13 5 min Hardly noticed by the general public, the Advocate General (AG) of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) has issued an opinion, aiming to limit one of the last potential avenues for users to enforce their privacy rights under the GDPR. According to the AG, Europeans w
Denmark bans Gmail and Co from schools due to privacy concerns.
Tutanota.com · 2022-08-07 4 min Danish schools must stop using Google's email and cloud services due to concerns or violating the high European privacy standards defined by the GDPR. According to Denmark’s data protection authority, Google’s cloud-based Workspace software suite "does not meet the requiremen
France’s CNIL warns over illegal use of Google Analytics – TechCrunch
Techcrunch.com · 2022-06-09 4 min France’s data protection watchdog, the CNIL, has issued updated guidance on use of Google Analytics following a decision earlier this year that found a local website’s use of the tool to be in breach of European Union law.It has also confirmed that it has since issued formal
Diffida per violazione del GDPR per utilizzo Google Analytics su sito istituzionale
Forum.italia.it · 2022-05-13 9 min @Antonino_Campo il GDPR ha stabilito delle norme da rispettare e sembrerebbe che Google non si sia del tutto adeguato.Mi devo ripetere. Non sto dicendo che Google rispetti le regole, ma mi sembra strano come non si sia accorto il Garante italiano e cosa si possa temere dalla navi

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