A Comprehensive Guide to Dynamic Malware Analysis
Soft.connect4techs.com · 2024-07-20 11 min In this guide, we will delve into the world of dynamic malware analysis, exploring the techniques and tools used to analyze and understand malicious software. Malware, short for malicious software, is a term used to describe any software designed to harm or exploit computer syst
Prevenire la compromissione delle email dei fornitori nella supply chain: 4 fasi da considerare Cyber Security 360
Cybersecurity360.it · 2024-07-08 20 min Nell’attuale era di rapida evoluzione della tecnologia digitale, l’interconnessione di sistemi e reti può generare opportunità senza precedenti, ma allo stesso tempo comporta sfide significative in termini di cyber security.In particolare, l’Internet of Things (IoT) è u
Bankitalia: “Aziende piccole del Sud più esposte al rischio cyber”
Cybersecitalia.it · 2024-06-13 2 min Lo rivela lo studio che valuta il livello di consapevolezza delle imprese circa i rischi cibernetici e la loro capacità di adottare strategie di mitigazione sulla base delle evidenze raccolte con le edizioni del 2016 e del 2022 dell‘Indagine sulle imprese industriali e dei se
China’s Interim Measures for the Management of Generative AI Services: A Comparison Between the Final and Draft Versions of the Text Future of Privacy Forum
Fpf.org · 2024-04-23 19 min FILTERApril 22, 2024Share on Facebook Share on LinkedIn Share through EmailAuthors: Yirong Sun and Jingxian ZengEdited by Josh Lee Kok Thong (FPF) and Sakshi Shivhare (FPF)The following is a guest post to the FPF blog by Yirong Sun, research fellow at the New York University S
Google Ordered To Identify Who Watched Certain YouTube Videos
Forbes.com · 2024-03-26 3 min Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Linkedin Federal investigators have ordered Google to provide information on all viewers of select YouTube videos, according to multiple court orders obtained by Forbes. Privacy experts from multiple civil rights groups told Forbes th
Implementare DORA: le buone pratiche per sopravvivere all’adeguamento normativo Cyber Security 360
Cybersecurity360.it · 2024-03-12 5 min Parto con un evento che nulla a che fare con DORA, ma che ben rispecchia la situazione: ogni volta che c’è una nuova normativa da implementare ecco che compaiono dal nulla esperti della materia.Pensiamo al documento di indirizzo emesso dall’Autorità Garante sui metadati del
FTC Order Will Ban Avast from Selling Browsing Data for Advertising Purposes, Require It to Pay $16.5 Million Over Charges the Firm Sold Browsing Data After Claiming Its Products Would Block Online Tracking | Federal Trade Commission
Ftc.gov · 2024-02-24 5 min The Federal Trade Commission will require software provider Avast to pay $16.5 million and prohibit the company from selling or licensing any web browsing data for advertising purposes to settle charges that the company and its subsidiaries sold such information to third parties
IOS notification loophole lets apps collect data about you
Adguard.com · 2024-02-17 6 min Apple has long said that fingerprinting — tracking a user through the hardware and software features of their device — is not allowed. But apparently some popular apps have found a backdoor that they are exploiting in plain sight.Privacy researcher Tommy Mysk has discovered t
Chi vusa püsé la vaca l'è sua
Bernieri.blogspot.com · 2024-02-17 25 min    Nota preliminare alla lettura: il Garante ha ragione. Non è mia intenzione confrontarmi ma ragionare e, purtroppo, lo so fare solo così. Si prega di leggere questo pezzo tenendo ben presenti le mie intenzioni semiserie e l’animo giocoso, con il dovuto rispetto per le
What You Need to Know About China’s New Generative AI Measures
Twobirds.com · 2024-01-06 10 min On July 10, 2023, seven departments including the Cyberspace Administration of China (“CAC”) jointly issued the Interim Measures for the Management of Generative Artificial Intelligence Services (《生成式人工智能服务管理暂行办法》, the “Generative AI Measu
La Cina è il primo paese a regolamentare la Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Linkedin.com · 2024-01-05 5 min Il 15 Agosto è entrata in vigore la nuova normativa in materia di Intelligenza Artificiale generativa approvata dalla Cyberspace Administration of China. La Cina è il primo paese a livello globale a muoversi nella regolamentazione dell’AI, sebbene anche Unione europea e USA s
Here's how to contribute — Free software Foundation — Working together for free software
Fsf.org · 2024-01-04 3 min Did you ever ask yourself why online privacy is important and what can be done about it? Learn how the JShelter web extension can be part of your privacy protection tool kit, as well as ways to contribute, in this article.Protecting your online privacy has never been more importa
Presenting this season's online FSF bulletin — Free software Foundation — Working together for free software
Fsf.org · 2024-01-04 2 min Screenshot of online BulletinAs I write this, we have received our first snowfall in Boston, MA, the city where the Free software Foundation (FSF) has its cozy office. The seasons are changing, for sure, but the bi-annual routine of providing the public with articles about free s
Government urges police to increase use of facial recognition software
Ifsecglobal.com · 2023-12-31 2 min Facial recognitionCrime and Policing Minister, Chris Philps, has urged the police to use artificial intelligence (AI) technology more for crime-fighting by May 2024. In a letter to police chiefs, Philps said the number of searches using facial recognition technology to track off
Hospitals ask courts to force cloud storage firm to return stolen data
Bleepingcomputer.com · 2023-12-29 2 min Two not-for-profit hospitals in New York are seeking a court order to retrieve data stolen in an August ransomware attack and now stored on the servers of a Boston cloud storage company.Carthage Area Hospital and Claxton-Hepburn Medical Center (the attack's victims) have founded
Tutto quello che c'è da sapere per gestire il primo dispositivo dei propri figli
Kaspersky.it · 2023-11-22 7 min Prima o poi, tutti i genitori, o quasi, arrivano inevitabilmente ad acquistare un dispositivo elettronico per i figli. Secondo uno studio condotto da Kaspersky, il 61% dei bambini riceve il primo dispositivo tra gli 8 e i 12 anni e, sorprendentemente, l’11% di loro riceve un ce
Parental Control Gli obblighi per i Provider Internet
Assoprovider.it · 2023-11-19 4 min Parental Control, un tema molto dibattuto in ambito TLC in tempi recenti: gli ISP e le associazioni come Assoprovider, stanno cercando di individuare le soluzioni tecniche da implementare e quali tipologie di contenuto dovranno essere disabilitate.Esistono alcune questioni ancora
Spie su ruote: come le case automobilistiche raccolgono e poi rivendono informazioni
Analisideirischinformatici.it · 2023-10-27 9 min Facebook LinkedIn WhatsApp Email Allerta Pericoli Informatici sui Social : APP 1 : Allerta Pericoli Informatici Google Play Apple Store APP 2 : AiutamiSi ( tanti servizi gratuiti ) Google Play Apple Store Quali informazioni personali raccolgono le auto moderne
Uso di Signal, ProtonMail, Tor e Tails assimilati a comportamenti terroristici: come può succedere?
Ilsoftware.it · 2023-09-21 4 min Vi aspettereste mai che un’agenzia governativa chiamata a svolgere attività di intelligence, con responsabilità sulla sicurezza di un intero Paese, possa mai assimilare l’utilizzo delle principali applicazioni basate sulla crittografia end-to-end a comportamenti terroristic
Peeking into the Black Box AlgorithmWatch
Algorithmwatch.org · 2023-09-18 13 min Editor's note: This article was written for and first published in the "journalist" magazine.Single mothers were seen as a particularly high risk. In the Dutch port city of Rotterdam, an algorithm spent years combing through the data of welfare recipients to determine which of t
Is Meta's arrival on the fediverse good news?
Laquadrature.net · 2023-08-23 12 min The fediverse (a blend made from “federation” and “universe”) is a group of social media consisting of a multitude of platforms and software, each of them communicating with the others using a common protocol. Mastodon is one of the software applications used to offer an
La IA non e' creativa ne' umana: ne parla Il Fatto Quotidiano
Ilfattoquotidiano.it · 2023-08-15 6 min Quasi un anno fa ho dedicato al tema dell’intelligenza artificiale un post intitolato: Il dibattito sull’intelligenza artificiale rischia di diventare improduttivo ed autoreferenziale. Recentemente si sono svolti alcuni importanti incontri istituzionali dedicati, finalmente,
Detroit Police Seek Change After Facial Recognition Lawsuit
Govtech.com · 2023-08-12 4 min (TNS) — The Detroit Police Department is pursuing policy changes to its facial recognition policy in the wake of a woman's federal lawsuit alleging she was arrested at eight months pregnant based on "an unreliable" hit, the police chief said Wednesday.Chief James White said Por
Woman files lawsuit, claims 'faulty' DPD facial recognition hit prompted her false arrest
Eu.detroitnews.com · 2023-08-12 5 min   The Detroit NewsDetroit — A 32-year-old Detroit woman is suing the city and a Detroit police officer in federal court, alleging she was arrested in front of her two children while eight months pregnant based on "an unreliable facial recognition hit."Porcha Woodruff said she
Eight Months Pregnant and Arrested After False Facial Recognition Match
Nytimes.com · 2023-08-12 7 min Porcha Woodruff thought the police who showed up at her door to arrest her for carjacking were joking. She is the first woman known to be wrongfully accused as a result of facial recognition technology.Porcha Woodruff was getting her two daughters ready for school when six police
Best Private Web Browsers for Most Privacy in 2023
Privacytools.io · 2023-07-28 5 min Experience true privacy with PrivacyTools curated list of private browsers. Protect your online identity & data. Find the best private browser for you.LibreWolf: Focused on privacy, security and freedom for desktop onlyFast Win Mac LinuxA modified version of firefox designed
Spyware fuori controllo in Ue Guerre di Rete
Guerredirete.it · 2023-07-28 12 min Immagine in evidenza da TheLeft.Eu “Lo spyware non è solo una tecnologia. È uno strumento di una cassetta degli attrezzi più ampia, quella dell’autoritarismo. È una grave min accia per la democrazia perché non viene utilizzata contro un cittadino qualsiasi, ed è an
Google attempts to defend Web Environment Integrity proposal
Theregister.com · 2023-07-28 6 min Google's Web Environment Integrity (WEI) proposal, according to one of the developers working on the controversial fraud fighting project, aims to make the web "more private and safe."Ben Wiser, a software engineer at the Chocolate Factory, responded on Wednesday to serious conce
Part 1 Discovering that your Bluetooth car battery monitor is siphoning up your location data
Doubleagent.net · 2023-07-24 12 min Hello Hacker News, thanks for visiting!A Bluetooth enabled battery monitor that records car battery voltages. The hardware requires a smartphone for pairing The product collects GPS co-ordinates, cell phone tower data and nearby Wifi beacons Location data is sent over the Intern
Gestione automatica dei consensi della privacy online
Wired.it · 2023-06-25 2 min Una soluzione automatizzata per redigere e gestire i contratti su privacy, dati e altro, ottenendo il consenso o il rifiuto degli utenti in diversi contesti. Si chiama Clickwrap ed è il nuovo software as a service (Saas) ideato per le aziende da Namirial, azienda leader nella fo

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