WebXray Privacy Search Engine
Webxray.ai · 2024-07-27 1 min webXray is a tool for legal and compliance professionals to find privacy violations on the web.Start a Search Pages about educational games for kids with unconsented Google ads cookies Pages about pregnancy with unconsented Google ads cookies Pages about loan applications with un
Automating Cookie Consent and GDPR Violation Detection | USENIX
Usenix.org · 2024-07-27 1 min Authors: Dino Bollinger, Karel Kubicek, Carlos Cotrini, and David Basin, ETH ZurichDistinguished Artifact Award WinnerAbstract: The European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requires websites to inform users about personal data collection and request consent fo
Chatcontrol considerato come prova generale Le Alternative
Lealternative.net · 2024-07-18 2 min Se non hai JavaScript attivato questa funzione non ti andrà, copia e incolla manualmente l'URL di questo articolo per condividerlo o usa la funziona di condivisione del tuo browser! Condividi 💙 donazioni Gli articoli di Cassandra Crossing sono sotto licenza CC BY-SA 4.0 | Ca
New FPF Infographic Analyzes Age Assurance Technology & Privacy Tradeoffs
Fpf.org · 2024-03-31 3 min FILTERJune 26, 2023Share on Facebook Share on LinkedIn Share through EmailAs a growing number of federal and state children’s online privacy and safety proposals seek to age-restrict social media and other online experiences, FPF released a new infographic, Unpacking Age Assu
Google Ordered To Identify Who Watched Certain YouTube Videos
Forbes.com · 2024-03-26 3 min Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Linkedin Federal investigators have ordered Google to provide information on all viewers of select YouTube videos, according to multiple court orders obtained by Forbes. Privacy experts from multiple civil rights groups told Forbes th
IOS notification loophole lets apps collect data about you
Adguard.com · 2024-02-17 6 min Apple has long said that fingerprinting — tracking a user through the hardware and software features of their device — is not allowed. But apparently some popular apps have found a backdoor that they are exploiting in plain sight.Privacy researcher Tommy Mysk has discovered t
Work inside the machine: How pre saves and algorithmic marketing turn musicians into influencers AlgorithmWatch
Algorithmwatch.org · 2024-01-08 7 min “New track coming soon, to pre-save it, click on the link below.” “Can’t wait to share this song with you, pre-save now!” This is how some artists promote their unreleased tracks in advance. Initially created by Spotify, the idea is simple: Users click on the “like”
L’Agenzia delle Entrate assume: 4.113 tecnici in più per l’analisi dei dati
Ilsole24ore.com · 2024-01-04 3 min Valorizzazione delle risorse umane e assunzione di nuove professionalità con l’obiettivo di rispettare quanto chiede il Pnrr anche in termini di modernizzazione della macchina operativa del fisco. L’atto di indirizzo inviato a fine anno dal min istro dell’Economia indica l
JShelter e il tracciamento degli utenti dei browser come Google Chrome con MV3 API
Jshelter.org · 2024-01-04 3 min Over the years, privacy and security-oriented browser extensions in the same category of JShelter (e.g. uBlock or NoScript, whose code is partially inherited by JShelter through the NoScript Commons Library), have been forced into multiple complex refactorings and modernizations,
Here's how to contribute — Free Software Foundation — Working together for free software
Fsf.org · 2024-01-04 3 min Did you ever ask yourself why online privacy is important and what can be done about it? Learn how the JShelter web extension can be part of your privacy protection tool kit, as well as ways to contribute, in this article.Protecting your online privacy has never been more importa
Government urges police to increase use of facial recognition software
Ifsecglobal.com · 2023-12-31 2 min Facial recognitionCrime and Policing Minister, Chris Philps, has urged the police to use artificial intelligence (AI) technology more for crime-fighting by May 2024. In a letter to police chiefs, Philps said the number of searches using facial recognition technology to track off
La verità nascosta su Alexa: Amazon profila gli utenti con l'audio fornito ai dispositivi intelligenti
Redhotcyber.com · 2023-10-31 1 min La verità nascosta su Alexa: Amazon profila gli utenti con l’audio fornito ai dispositivi intelligentiRedazione RHC 31 Ottobre 2023 07:48Gli altoparlanti intelligenti offrono una comodità incredibile, permettendoti di riprodurre la tua musica preferita o ordinare la carta igi
Accordo storico su #chatcontrol: il parlamento europeo vuole salvaguardare la crittografia sicura
Pirati.io · 2023-10-28 4 min Riportiamo il post pubblicato oggi 26 ottobre dal Partito Pirata Europeo Questa settimana, i negoziatori del Parlamento europeo hanno raggiunto un accordo ad ampia maggioranza su una posizione comune riguardante il controverso disegno di legge UE su chatcontrol. Il disegno di l
Spie su ruote: come le case automobilistiche raccolgono e poi rivendono informazioni
Analisideirischinformatici.it · 2023-10-27 9 min Facebook LinkedIn WhatsApp Email Allerta Pericoli Informatici sui Social : APP 1 : Allerta Pericoli Informatici Google Play Apple Store APP 2 : AiutamiSi ( tanti servizi gratuiti ) Google Play Apple Store Quali informazioni personali raccolgono le auto moderne
Uso di Signal, ProtonMail, Tor e Tails assimilati a comportamenti terroristici: come può succedere?
Ilsoftware.it · 2023-09-21 4 min Vi aspettereste mai che un’agenzia governativa chiamata a svolgere attività di intelligence, con responsabilità sulla sicurezza di un intero Paese, possa mai assimilare l’utilizzo delle principali applicazioni basate sulla crittografia end-to-end a comportamenti terroristic
Confederazione e fediverso: perché il governo svizzero è su Mastodon, e perché è così importante?
Rsi.ch · 2023-09-15 < 1 min Il governo federale svizzero è arrivato su Mastodon, il social network autogestito che molti considerano una possibile alternativa a Twitter. È un arrivo sperimentale, ma più importante di una normale iscrizione a un normale social network: Mastodon è stato scelto, anche
PI’s Guide to International Law and Surveillance
Privacyinternational.org · 2023-08-23 2 min ReportFirst published in 2017, “PI’s Guide to International Law and Surveillance” is an attempt to collate relevant excerpts from these judgments and reports into a single principled guide that will be regularly updated. This is the third edition of the Guide. It has been u
Detroit alters facial recognition tech policy after lawsuit filed by pregnant woman
Eu.freep.com · 2023-08-12 2 min   Detroit Free PressThe Detroit Police Department will be strengthening its photo lineup and facial recognition technology policies after "shoddy" police work led to a February wrongful arrest of a woman who was eight months pregnant, Police Chief James White announced Wednesda
Eight Months Pregnant and Arrested After False Facial Recognition Match
Nytimes.com · 2023-08-12 7 min Porcha Woodruff thought the police who showed up at her door to arrest her for carjacking were joking. She is the first woman known to be wrongfully accused as a result of facial recognition technology.Porcha Woodruff was getting her two daughters ready for school when six police
EU US Data Privacy Framework: quali strategie possono intraprendere le organizzazioni?
Redhotcyber.com · 2023-08-07 5 min Noi e i nostri partner utilizziamo i cookie per Archiviare e/o accedere a informazioni su un dispositivo. Noi e i nostri partner utilizziamo i cookie per Annunci e contenuti personalizzati, valutazione degli annunci e del contenuto, osservazioni del pubblico e sviluppo di prodott
From “Heavy Purchasers” of Pregnancy Tests to the Depression Prone: We Found 650,000 Ways Advertisers Label You – The Markup
Themarkup.org · 2023-08-07 15 min Share This Article Copy Link RepublishWhat words would you use to describe yourself? You might say you’re a dog owner, a parent, that you like Taylor Swift, or that you’re into knitting. If you feel like sharing, you might say you have a sunny personality or that you follow
Spyware fuori controllo in Ue Guerre di Rete
Guerredirete.it · 2023-07-28 12 min Immagine in evidenza da TheLeft.Eu “Lo spyware non è solo una tecnologia. È uno strumento di una cassetta degli attrezzi più ampia, quella dell’autoritarismo. È una grave min accia per la democrazia perché non viene utilizzata contro un cittadino qualsiasi, ed è an
Google attempts to defend Web Environment Integrity proposal
Theregister.com · 2023-07-28 6 min Google's Web Environment Integrity (WEI) proposal, according to one of the developers working on the controversial fraud fighting project, aims to make the web "more private and safe."Ben Wiser, a software engineer at the Chocolate Factory, responded on Wednesday to serious conce
HaxRob on Twitter: "This invasive Bluetooth car battery monitor was found to be sending the following location data to 🇨🇳 GPS Wifi devices Cell phone towers The Apple and Google app stores said no personal data was collected. A new update has emerged. Let's see what was changed 👇(1/n) https://t.co/5fZufWFgo0" / Twitter
Twitter.com · 2023-07-24 < 1 min This invasive Bluetooth car battery monitor was found to be sending the following location data to 🇨🇳 - GPS - Wifi devices - Cell phone towers The Apple and Google app stores said no personal data was collected. A new update has emerged. Let's see what was changed
INTEL ODNI Releases IC Procedures Implementing New Safeguards in Executive Order 14086
Intel.gov · 2023-07-11 1 min ODNI Releases Intelligence Community Procedures Implementing New Safeguards in Executive Order 14086July 3, 2023 - The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), in coordination with elements of the Intelligence Community (IC), today releases the IC elements’ polic
Privacy Day Forum 2023
Federprivacy.org · 2023-06-20 4 min Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche di Pisa, 25 maggio 2023 Nel giorno del quinto anniversario della storica introduzione del GDPR è tornato il Privacy Day Forum, che si è svolto giovedì 25 maggio 2023 al CNR Area della Ricerca di Pisa, location che ha già ospitato l'evento d
Antitrust: Commission sends Statement of Objections to Google over abusive practices in online advertising technology
Ec.europa.eu · 2023-06-14 < 1 min wallabag can't retrieve contents for this article. Please troubleshoot this issue.
Common Sense Privacy Program
Privacy.commonsense.org · 2023-06-14 1 min A coordinated effort to protect child and student privacy, and build in safety and security from the start.The Common Sense Privacy Program evaluates privacy policies so that parents and teachers can make smart choices about the learning tools they use with their children and stu
Nasce INAD, l’Indice Nazionale dei Domicili Digitali
Agid.gov.it · 2023-06-12 3 min Al via l’Indice Nazionale dei Domicili Digitali (INAD): da oggi i cittadini possono registrare su INAD il proprio domicilio digitale, come per esempio un indirizzo PEC attivato in precedenza, dove ricevere tutte le comunicazioni ufficiali da parte della Pubblica Amministrazione
Criminalization of encryption : the 8 december case
Laquadrature.net · 2023-06-06 27 min This article was written on the basis of information relating to the so-called “8 December” case1For a summary of the 8 December affair see in particular the testimonies available in this Revue Z article, this Lundi matin article, the following support committee articles (he

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