chatcontrol considerato come prova generale Le Alternative · 2024-07-18 2 min Se non hai JavaScript attivato questa funzione non ti andrà, copia e incolla manualmente l'URL di questo articolo per condividerlo o usa la funziona di condivisione del tuo browser! Condividi 💙 donazioni Gli articoli di Cassandra Crossing sono sotto licenza CC BY-SA 4.0 | Ca
Accordo storico su #chatcontrol: il parlamento europeo vuole salvaguardare la crittografia sicura · 2023-10-28 4 min Riportiamo il post pubblicato oggi 26 ottobre dal Partito Pirata Europeo Questa settimana, i negoziatori del Parlamento europeo hanno raggiunto un accordo ad ampia maggioranza su una posizione comune riguardante il controverso disegno di legge UE su chatcontrol. Il disegno di l
Undermining Democracy: The European Commission's Controversial Push for Digital Surveillance – Danny Mekić · 2023-10-15 11 min Biography Quotes Nederlands Menu Danny Mekić. Speaker Chairman Entrepreneur NewTeam StrategyCooker HackathonFactory Innovation Company Innovations Automotive & Innovation Banks & Innovation Education & Innovation Healthcare & Innovation
Setting the record straight · 2023-10-15 5 min On the 25th of October I will be having an exchange of views with the LIBE committee on my proposal to prevent and fight child sexual abuse. The next day the LIBE committee will vote on the proposal.I am approaching this public discussion with resolve, with transparency and with
Microtargeting and chatcontrol · 2023-10-15 < 1 min wallabag can't retrieve contents for this article. Please troubleshoot this issue.
[Opinion] Why your data might already be on a Europol list · 2023-10-12 3 min You don't have to be a civil rights defender or even an opposition voice to end up on a police list. You don't even have to commit a crime.And yet in today's EU, innocent people are being swept up in a police digital dragnet that risks eroding the very basis of democracy.Police f
EU watchdog: Online child abuse draft law creates ‘illusion of legality' · 2023-03-07 2 min In a closed-door meeting with EU lawmakers, the European Data Protection Supervisor criticised the proposal to fight Child Sexual Abuse Material as trying to mask breaches of fundamental rights. The European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS), the authority responsible for advisin
Signal CEO: We “1,000% won’t participate” in UK law to weaken encryption · 2023-03-01 5 min Enlarge / Signal app on a phone. Getty Images The nonprofit responsible for the Signal messenger app is prepared to exit the UK if the country requires providers of encrypted communications to alter their products to ensure user messages are free of material that’s harmful to c
Signal would 'walk' from UK if Online Safety Bill undermined encryption · 2023-03-01 4 min Image source, Getty ImagesBy Chris VallanceTechnology reporter, BBC NewsThe encrypted-messaging app Signal has said it would stop providing services in the UK if a new law undermined encryption.If forced to weaken the privacy of its messaging system under the Online Safety Bill,
Abonnement Le Figaro Découvrez nos offres · 2023-02-08 1 min MensuelAnnuel2 mois offertsAccess0,99 € le premier moispuis 9,99 €/mois,sans engagement99,99 € la 1ère annéepuis 109,89 €/an,sans engagement1 compteTous les articles sur le site et l’application La possibilité de commenter les articles Les newsletters abonnés P
EU chat control law will ban open source operating systems Blog | Mullvad VPN · 2023-02-02 3 min Update: Open source OSes might be saved from being covered depending on the interpretation of EU regulation 2019/1150 2.2.c.To be considered an online intermediation service it requires a contractual relationship between the service and any businesses using it. The open source li
Dutch MEP says illegal spyware ‘a grave threat to democracy’ · 2022-11-13 6 min The senior MEP leading an inquiry into spyware has accused the EU commission of ignoring the “grave threat to democracy” posed by the use of the technology, and national governments of failing to cooperate with her investigation.The Dutch liberal MEP Sophie in ‘t Veld said
The Privacy Post · 2022-11-13 < 1 min L'eurodeputata liberale olandese Sophie in 't Veld ha presentato martedì a Bruxelles la bozza dei risultati dell'indagine sullo #spywaree ha accusato la Commissione europea di ignorare la "grave min accia per la democrazia" rappresentata dall'uso della tecnologia e i govern
If enforced, EU chat control will limit Free Software FSFE · 2022-10-27 2 min on: Surely you have already heard about the controversial EU draft law on mandatory chat control with the supposed aim to effectively tackle child sexual abuse. This law implies the monitoring and scanning of the communications of citizens – even the securely encrypted end-to-e
The Commission’s gross violation of privacy — endangering encryption · 2022-10-25 4 min Press play to listen to this articleVoiced by Amazon PollyMarkéta Gregorová is a member of the European Parliament from the European Pirate Party.Strong end-to-end encryption is an essential part of a secure and trustworthy Internet. It protects us every time we make an online
Leak su chatcontrol: la Commissione Ue prevede milioni di falsi positivi · 2022-07-02 3 min Il sito web di notizie tedesco n ha fatto trapelare una registrazione di discussioni interne sulla proposta di legge sull’abuso di min ori online dall’UE (soprannominata “chatcontrol”) , che è molto criticata per aver portato a una sorveglianza di mass
EFF to European Court: Keep Encryption Alive · 2022-06-29 2 min While encryption has been under attack in recent days, it’s still essential for private and secure electronic communications, especially for human rights defenders and journalists. EFF and our partners recently argued for the essentiality of encryption in a case before the Euro
Agcom: catalogare tutte le comunicazioni web e identificare tutti quelli che navigano · 2022-02-22 3 min Allegato B alla delibera n. 16/22/CONS;1. I contratti di fornitura nei servizi di comunicazione elettronica disciplinati dalcodice di cui al decreto legislativo 1° agosto 2003, n. 259, devono prevedere tra iservizi preattivati sistemi di controllo parentale ovvero di filtro di c

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