Use of Online Tracking Technologies by HIPAA Covered Entities and Business Associates | · 2024-07-27 26 min On June 20, 2024, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas issued an order declaring unlawful and vacating a portion of this guidance document. See Am. Hosp. Ass’n v. Becerra, — F. Supp. 3d ----, No. 4:23-cv-1110, 2024 WL 3075865 (N.D. Tex. June 20, 2024).
Breaches Due to Credential Stuffing: Who's Accountable? · 2024-06-30 5 min Cybercrime , Fraud Management & Cybercrime , Multi-factor & Risk-based AuthenticationThe Theft of Snowflake's Customers' Data Shows That Vendors Need Robust Defenses(euroinfosec) • June 28, 2024    Image: ShutterstockWho's responsible for the data breaches experienced
Here's how to contribute — Free Software Foundation — Working together for free software · 2024-01-04 3 min Did you ever ask yourself why online privacy is important and what can be done about it? Learn how the JShelter web extension can be part of your privacy protection tool kit, as well as ways to contribute, in this article.Protecting your online privacy has never been more importa
MoS IT on concerns around Digital Personal Data Protection Act: There will be checks & balances to ensure personal data is not misused · 2023-08-13 9 min MoS IT on concerns around Digital Personal Data Protection Act: There will be checks & balances to ensure personal data is not misused | Business News - The Indian Express Advertisement On Saturday, the Digital Personal Data Protection Act, 2023 was published i
L'adeguatezza sul trasferimento dei dati verso gli Stati Uniti · 2023-07-20 6 min Skip to content Innovazione e diritto dai professionisti dello studio legale DLA Piper
Nasce INAD, l’Indice Nazionale dei Domicili Digitali · 2023-06-12 3 min Al via l’Indice Nazionale dei Domicili Digitali (INAD): da oggi i cittadini possono registrare su INAD il proprio domicilio digitale, come per esempio un indirizzo PEC attivato in precedenza, dove ricevere tutte le comunicazioni ufficiali da parte della Pubblica Amministrazione
Intelligenza artificiale e controlli: l'Agenzia delle Entrate usa l'AI · 2023-06-03 7 min L’Agenzia delle Entrate si avvale dell’intelligenza artificiale per accelerare l’attività di selezione dei contribuenti da sottoporre alle verifiche fiscali. Le verifiche non coinvolgeranno tutti i contribuenti, ma con l’AI sarà possibile selezionare un numero circoscri
Passkeys (Passkey Authentication) · 2023-05-04 13 min Accelerating the Availability of Simpler, Stronger Passwordless Sign-Ins faq's ResourcesThis graphic is a genericized representation of what the user experience may be.Passkeys/ˈpasˌkēs/nounBased on FIDO standards, passkeys are a replacement for passwords that provide faster
[Dossier IA générative] ChatGPT : un beau parleur bien entraîné · 2023-04-27 20 min Sommaire : - ChatGPT : un beau parleur bien entraîné (1/4) - Quelle régulation pour la conception des IA génératives ? (2/4) - De l'entraînement à la pratique : l'IA générative et ses usages (3/4) - [Exploration LINC] - Les travaux d’IAsterix : les systèmes d'IA mis
[Dossier IA générative] ChatGPT : un beau parleur bien entraîné · 2023-04-26 20 min Sommaire : - ChatGPT : un beau parleur bien entraîné (1/4) - Quelle régulation pour la conception des IA génératives ? (2/4) - De l'entraînement à la pratique : l'IA générative et ses usages (3/4) - [Exploration LINC] - Les travaux d’IAsterix : les systèmes d'IA mis
Delta Chat: Good news from security audits, past and present · 2023-03-30 2 min March 27, 2023 by missytake, holgaIn case you wonder how safe Delta Chat’s core messaging implementation and server guides are, you may be interested in the summary statement from the recent independent security audit by Cure53:"... a positive impression following the completio
Medical Devices Should Use Free Software +++ 25 New Videos FSFE · 2023-03-07 4 min Pubblicato il  In this issue we have a podcast episode about the need that medical devices have Free Software. Watch our talks from FOSDEM and videos about legal issues when developing. Participants of YH4F are already coding. Thanks to all your contributions, our fundraising e
faq No su GA4 del Garante danese · 2023-02-12 12 min Ennesima puntata della diatriba europea (ormai un quasi-divieto) sull’uso dei cookie di Google Analytics: lo scorso 21 settembre è intervenuto il Datatilsynet, l’autorità di controllo privacy danese. Questa volta non si tratta di un provvedimento giudiziario o sanzionatori
Regolamento DORA approvato e in vigore: obblighi di cybersecurity · 2023-02-08 8 min 27 Dicembre 2022• by L’entrata in vigore del Regolamento DORA rappresenta una svolta per la cybersecurity nel settore finanziario. La pubblicazione della Direttiva NIS2 è stata solo l’inizio! Ora, il Regolamento DORA (Digital Operational Resilience Act) è stato ufficialm
FedVTE Public Courses Page · 2023-02-07 < 1 min FedVTE Public Courses Page No login requiredThe Federal Virtual Training Environment (FedVTE) provides the following courses free of charge and without login requirements. You must use a modern browser (Edge, Chrome, Firefox) and have cookies enabled to track your progress i
Facebook and Instagram decisions: “Important impact on use of personal data for behavioural advertising” · 2023-01-12 3 min Brussels, 12 January - Following the EDPB’s binding dispute resolution decisions of 5 December 2022, the Irish Data Protection Authority (IE DPA) has adopted its decisions regarding Facebook and Instagram (Meta Platforms Ireland Limited, ‘Meta IE’). These decisions are the
Home | Cyber Risk Management · 2022-12-28 4 min Sicurezza informatica: dalla consapevolezza alla gestione del rischio Il tool di valutazione e trattamento del rischio cyber, sviluppato da AgID, consente ad ogni PA di effettuare le operazioni di self assessment, i piani di trattamento e il monitoraggio delle iniziative volte
Newsletter del 22/12/22 Energia: il Garante privacy sanziona Areti per 1 mln di euro Lavoro: no alla rilevazione delle impronte digitali senza specifici requisiti HIV: Garante, referto disponibile nel FSE solo dopo l’incontro tra medico e paziente · 2022-12-22 6 min NEWSLETTER N. 498 del 22 dicembre 2022Energia: il Garante privacy sanziona Areti per 1 mln di euro Lavoro: no alla rilevazione delle impronte digitali senza specifici requisiti HIV: Garante, referto disponibile nel FSE solo dopo l’incontro tra medico e paziente Energia: il Gara
German Court Fines Website Owner for Violating the GDPR by Using Google Hosted Fonts · 2022-11-14 1 min In late January, a Munich regional court ruled that a plaintiff was entitled to injunctive relief and damages of 100 € from an undisclosed website owner for passing on the visitor’s IP address to Google through the use of Google Fonts.Since it is possible to use the fonts wit
American Phone Tracking Firm Demo’d Surveillance Powers by Spying on CIA and NSA · 2022-08-12 17 min In the months leading up to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, two obscure American startups met to discuss a potential surveillance partnership that would merge the ability to track the movements of billions of people via their phones with a constant stream of data purchased dire
Google Analytics and GA4 · 2022-06-28 1 min Google Analytics and GA4 Cookie Banner e Traccianti Checkup e rimozionedi cookies e traccianti:per titolari, DPO, CISO,gestori e installatori di siti e app.da 249€ + ivavaiResta aggiornato Newsletter · TelegramAbout Google Analytics:Italian autority wrote this press release, C
France’s CNIL warns over illegal use of Google Analytics – TechCrunch · 2022-06-09 4 min France’s data protection watchdog, the CNIL, has issued updated guidance on use of Google Analytics following a decision earlier this year that found a local website’s use of the tool to be in breach of European Union law.It has also confirmed that it has since issued formal
Cookie walls : la CNIL publie des premiers critères d’évaluation · 2022-05-29 9 min La plupart des services proposés sur Internet sont présentés comme gratuits. Toutefois, cette gratuité pécuniaire n’est pas sans contrepartie : les données personnelles des internautes collectées sont très souvent utilisées par les acteurs du web pour financer les s

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