Medical Devices Should Use Free Software +++ 25 New Videos FSFE · 2023-03-07 4 min Pubblicato il  In this issue we have a podcast episode about the need that medical devices have Free Software. Watch our talks from FOSDEM and videos about legal issues when developing. Participants of YH4F are already coding. Thanks to all your contributions, our fundraising e
Dutch antitrust authority fines Apple for fifth time (aggregate: €25M) over alleged non compliance with dating app payment system ruling · 2023-03-02 4 min Dutch tech reporter Nando Kasteleijn of NOS just reported on Twitter that the Authority for Consumers & Markets--the Dutch antitrust authority--has imposed another contempt sanction on Apple of €5 million ($5.7 million) for this calendar week, on top of €20 million ($22.
VW WOULDN'T HELP FIND KIDNAPPED CHILD BECAUSE HIS MOTHER WASN'T PAYING FOR FIND MY CAR SUBSCRIPTION · 2023-02-28 9 min Today's links VW wouldn't help find kidnapped child because his mother wasn't paying for find-my-car subscription: All the harms of surveillance, none of the benefits. Hey look at this: Delights to delectate. This day in history: 2003, 2008, 2013, 2018 Colophon: Recent publicati
HardBit 2.0 Ransomware · 2023-02-21 12 min IntroductionFirst observed in October 2022, HardBit is a ransomware threat that targets organizations to extort cryptocurrency payments for the decryption of their data.Seemingly improving upon their initial release, HardBit version 2.0 was introduced toward the end of November
Disinformazione ed elezioni: screditare il candidato ai familiari, entrando in gmail e telegram. · 2023-02-15 8 min The undercover footage was filmed by three reporters, who approached Team Jorge posing as prospective clients.In more than six hours of secretly recorded meetings, Hanan and his team spoke of how they could gather intelligence on rivals, including by using hacking techniques to a
Digital Euro: acting for a privacy friendly model · 2023-02-06 3 min The digital euro: what is at stake for the freedoms of citizens The European Central Bank (ECB) has launched in the summer of 2021 an investigation phase to develop a digital form of the euro. For this institution, one of the objectives is to maintain a link between citizens and

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