Audizione del professor Pasquale Stanzione, Presidente del Garante per... Garante Privacy · 2024-07-24 8 min Audizione del professor Pasquale Stanzione, Presidente del Garante per la protezione dei dati personali - AS 1146, Disposizioni e delega al Governo in materia di intelligenza artificialeSenato della Repubblica - Commissioni 8a e 10a riunite(24 luglio 2024)- IL VIDEO DELL'AUDIZION
J. Trevor Hughes on LinkedIn: ai act Regulatory Intersections · 2024-06-24 < 1 min J. Trevor Hughes J. Trevor Hughes is an Influencer President / CEO of the International Association of Privacy Professionals3h EditedDigital policy is increasingly marked by complex intersections. Privacy and AI are intertwined. So too are competition, IP, and consumer prote
China’s Interim Measures for the Management of Generative AI Services: A Comparison Between the Final and Draft Versions of the Text Future of Privacy Forum · 2024-04-23 19 min FILTERApril 22, 2024Share on Facebook Share on LinkedIn Share through EmailAuthors: Yirong Sun and Jingxian ZengEdited by Josh Lee Kok Thong (FPF) and Sakshi Shivhare (FPF)The following is a guest post to the FPF blog by Yirong Sun, research fellow at the New York University S
Privacy and AI #9 · 2024-01-23 17 min In this edition of Privacy and AI:PRIVACY • EDPB bans Meta's processing PD for behavioral ads using legitimate interests or contract in the EU• Guidelines on the use of API• AI development and use - legal basis• EDPB Guidelines 2/2023 on Technical Scope of Art. 5(3) of e
L'adeguatezza sul trasferimento dei dati verso gli Stati Uniti · 2023-07-20 6 min Skip to content Innovazione e diritto dai professionisti dello studio legale DLA Piper
Do Foundation Model Providers Comply with the Draft EU ai act? (germany) · 2023-06-22 14 min Stanford researchers evaluate foundation model providers like OpenAI and Google for their compliance with proposed EU law on AI.Requirements   Rubrics   Grades   GitHubFoundation models like ChatGPT are transforming society with their remarkable capabilities, serious risks
MEPs ready to negotiate first ever rules for safe and transparent AI | News | European Parliament · 2023-06-14 4 min The rules aim to promote the uptake of human-centric and trustworthy AI and protect the health, safety, fundamental rights and democracy from its harmful effects.On Wednesday, the European Parliament adopted its negotiating position on the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Act with 49
EU and US lawmakers move to draft AI Code of Conduct fast | TechCrunch · 2023-06-01 18 min Natasha Lomas@riptari / Image Credits: Getty Images under a Jonas EKSTROMER / TT NEWS AGENCY / AFP) / Sweden OUT license.The European Union has used a transatlantic trade and technology talking shop to commit to moving fast and producing a draft Code of Conduct for artificial in
Yonah Welker on LinkedIn: Disability and algorithmic risks public letter | 10 comments · 2023-05-30 < 1 min Yonah WelkerExplorer, Public Evaluator, Board Member // Shaping The Future Of Algorithmic Diversity - Emerging Tech, AI, Cities, Policies, Ethics // /.org, EU Commission, MIT, Women In AI1d EditedFollowing our recent publications and suggestions to the ai act, here
OpenAI may leave the EU if regulations bite CEO · 2023-05-26 1 min LONDON, May 24 (Reuters) - OpenAI CEO Sam Altman said on Wednesday the ChatGPT maker might consider leaving Europe if it could not comply with the upcoming artificial intelligence (AI) regulations by the European Union.The EU is working on what could be the first set of rules glo
MEPs seal the deal on Artificial Intelligence Act · 2023-04-28 4 min Following months of intense negotiations, members of the European Parliament (MEPs) have bridged their difference and reached a provisional political deal on the world’s first Artificial Intelligence rulebook.The ai act is a flagship legislative proposal to regulate Artificial
IA ICO Response tu GOV · 2023-04-11 15 min 1 The Information Commissioner’s response to the Governm ent ’s AI White Paper About the ICO 1. The Information Commissioner has responsibility in the UK for promoting and enforcing the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR), the
Intelligenza artificiale tra rivoluzione e "guard rail". Intervista a Benanti · 2023-04-09 13 min _____________________L’intervista in versione audio: La video-intervista a Paolo Benanti di Giorgio Rutelli: _____________________ Paolo Benanti insegna teologia alla Pontificia Università Gregoriana, ha studiato ingegneria e da molt
Un articolo interessante sul rapporto tra dati sintetici e personali nell&#039;intelligenza artificiale ai fini privacy · 2023-04-03 3 min 8 Aprile 2022• by Le ricerche dimostrano un crescente uso dei dati sintetici anche nelle c.d. reti neurali che fanno sorgere però delle problematiche privacy. E’ necessario verificare che i dati sintetici, generati sulla base di un dataset contenente dati personali, siano i
ChatGPT e i perché su Cyber Security 360 · 2023-04-01 7 min ChatGpt raccoglie illecitamente i dati: è quanto stabilito dal Garante Privacy, che ha avviato un’istruttoria e ha limitato in via provvisoria il trattamento dei dati degli utenti italiani fin quando il sistema di AI non si adeguerà alla normativa sulla data protection.Il Gar
Petruta Pirvan on LinkedIn: #cybersecurity #ai #aiact #machinelearning #aisystems #algorithms… · 2023-03-21 1 min Petruta PirvanHead of Privacy and Compliance l Center of Excellence Lead l IAPP Training Advisory Board Member l Fellow of Information Privacy l Trusted Advisor19h The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) publishes a Report on Cybersecurity of AI and Standardisation Th
Grazie a ChatGpt, imprese e giovani scoprono un "tesoro" di nuove opportunità · 2023-02-16 5 min "Credo che l'Italia possa vincere questa sfida, ha tutti gli elementi per farlo". Così il min istro delle Imprese e del Made in Italy Adolfo Urso, sul passaggio all'auto elettrica, a margine della XI Cabina di regia per l'internazionalizzazione. "Ovviamente - ha aggiunto - abbia
German Constitutional Court strikes down predictive algorithms for policing · 2023-02-16 3 min The German Federal Constitutional Court declared the use of Palantir surveillance software by police in Hesse and Hamburg unconstitutional in a landmark ruling on Thursday (16 February). The ruling concludes a case brought by the German Society for Civil Rights (GFF) last year, h
Scorza: "Il 2023 della privacy: conflitti con le big tech e il nodo cookie wall" Intervento di Guido Scorza · 2023-01-13 6 min Scorza: "Il 2023 della privacy: conflitti con le big tech e il nodo cookie wall"Intervento di Guido Scorza, componente del Garante per la protezione dei dati personali(AgendaDigitale, 5 gennaio 2023) Le previsioni sulla privacy per l’anno nuovo sono difficili ma qualche trend s
Privacy Week: a settembre 40 incontri. I temi e gli speaker · 2022-08-18 6 min L’Europa sta per dotarsi di nuove leggi per la cittadinanza digitale, come le norme sull’intelligenza artificiale, quelle sulla responsabilità delle piattaforme digitali, e quelle sulla moderazione dei contenuti online. Nel frattempo la digitalizzazione dei servizi, del l

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