Audizione del professor Pasquale Stanzione, Presidente del Garante per... Garante Privacy · 2024-07-24 8 min Audizione del professor Pasquale Stanzione, Presidente del Garante per la protezione dei dati personali - AS 1146, Disposizioni e delega al Governo in materia di intelligenza artificialeSenato della Repubblica - Commissioni 8a e 10a riunite(24 luglio 2024)- IL VIDEO DELL'AUDIZION
A Comprehensive Guide to Dynamic Malware Analysis · 2024-07-20 11 min In this guide, we will delve into the world of dynamic malware analysis, exploring the techniques and tools used to analyze and understand malicious software. Malware, short for malicious software, is a term used to describe any software designed to harm or exploit computer syst
Assolombarda Rilasciate le "Linee guida per le Imprese sull’approccio all’Intelligenza Artificiale" di Assolombarda · 2024-07-20 1 min La dispensa è stata presentata il 24 giugno in occasione del convegno "mAI più come prima".Le linee guida, realizzate con il coordinamento del gruppo di lavoro “Data & Artificial Intelligence” guidato da Giovanni Mocchie sotto la direzione scientifica del Prof. Alfio
Chatcontrol considerato come prova generale Le Alternative · 2024-07-18 2 min Se non hai JavaScript attivato questa funzione non ti andrà, copia e incolla manualmente l'URL di questo articolo per condividerlo o usa la funziona di condivisione del tuo browser! Condividi 💙 donazioni Gli articoli di Cassandra Crossing sono sotto licenza CC BY-SA 4.0 | Ca
Press Releases | Global Privacy Enforcement Network · 2024-07-11 < 1 min GPEN Sweep 2017 - International enforcement operation finds website privacy notices are too vague and generally inadequateThe following press release has been created by the UK Information Commissioner's Office as 2017 Sweep lead. Links to press releases issued by participan
Protecting consumers worldwide | ICPEN · 2024-07-11 < 1 min About #ICPENConsumer protection authorities from around the world working together to combat fraudulent, deceptive and unfair trading practices.#FPM2024Fraud Prevention Month 2024 - #InfluenceResponsibly, keep in min d that you set the tone, impact and boost the consumption
Prevenire la compromissione delle email dei fornitori nella supply chain: 4 fasi da considerare Cyber Security 360 · 2024-07-08 20 min Nell’attuale era di rapida evoluzione della tecnologia digitale, l’interconnessione di sistemi e reti può generare opportunità senza precedenti, ma allo stesso tempo comporta sfide significative in termini di cyber security.In particolare, l’Internet of Things (IoT) è u
Breaches Due to Credential Stuffing: Who's Accountable? · 2024-06-30 5 min Cybercrime , Fraud Management & Cybercrime , Multi-factor & Risk-based AuthenticationThe Theft of Snowflake's Customers' Data Shows That Vendors Need Robust Defenses(euroinfosec) • June 28, 2024    Image: ShutterstockWho's responsible for the data breaches experienced
J. Trevor Hughes on LinkedIn: AI Act Regulatory Intersections · 2024-06-24 < 1 min J. Trevor Hughes J. Trevor Hughes is an Influencer President / CEO of the International Association of Privacy Professionals3h EditedDigital policy is increasingly marked by complex intersections. Privacy and AI are intertwined. So too are competition, IP, and consumer prote
Bankitalia: “Aziende piccole del Sud più esposte al rischio cyber” · 2024-06-13 2 min Lo rivela lo studio che valuta il livello di consapevolezza delle imprese circa i rischi cibernetici e la loro capacità di adottare strategie di mitigazione sulla base delle evidenze raccolte con le edizioni del 2016 e del 2022 dell‘Indagine sulle imprese industriali e dei se
A Taxonomy of Privacy by Daniel J. Solove :: SSRN · 2024-05-14 1 min 84 Pages Posted: 16 Feb 2005 Last revised: 18 Mar 2024AbstractPrivacy is a concept in disarray. Nobody can articulate what it means. As one commentator has observed, privacy suffers from an embarrassment of meanings. Privacy is far too vague a concept to guide adjudication and la
Conceptualizing Privacy by Daniel J. Solove :: SSRN · 2024-05-14 2 min AbstractIn this Article, Professor Solove develops a new approach for conceptualizing privacy. He begins by examining the existing discourse about conceptualizing privacy, exploring the conceptions of a wide array of jurists, legal scholars, philosophers, psychologists, and socio
Against Privacy Essentialism by Daniel J. Solove :: SSRN · 2024-05-14 1 min 50 Pages Posted: 14 May 2024Date Written: May 13, 2024AbstractIn this essay, Daniel Solove responds to Maria Angel and Ryan Calo’s critique of his theory of privacy. In their article, Distinguishing Privacy Law: A Critique of Privacy as Social Taxonomy, 124 Columbia Law Review
Against Privacy Essentialism My Response to Angel and Calo's Critique of My Theory of Privacy TeachPrivacy · 2024-05-14 2 min What is “privacy”? The concept of privacy has been elusive to define, but I developed a theory for understanding privacy about 20 years ago. Maria Angel and Ryan Calo recently published a formidable critique of my theory of privacy: Maria P. Angel and Ryan Calo, Distinguishin
China’s Interim Measures for the Management of Generative AI Services: A Comparison Between the Final and Draft Versions of the Text Future of Privacy Forum · 2024-04-23 19 min FILTERApril 22, 2024Share on Facebook Share on LinkedIn Share through EmailAuthors: Yirong Sun and Jingxian ZengEdited by Josh Lee Kok Thong (FPF) and Sakshi Shivhare (FPF)The following is a guest post to the FPF blog by Yirong Sun, research fellow at the New York University S
PrivacyBreacher | F Droid Free and Open Source Android App Repository · 2024-04-02 1 min PrivacyBreacheris an Android app built as a proof of concept for a research article describing the privacy issues in Android. This app can access the following information from your phonewithout requesting any permissions: Figure out at what time your phone screen turned on/off.
New FPF Infographic Analyzes Age Assurance Technology & Privacy Tradeoffs · 2024-03-31 3 min FILTERJune 26, 2023Share on Facebook Share on LinkedIn Share through EmailAs a growing number of federal and state children’s online privacy and safety proposals seek to age-restrict social media and other online experiences, FPF released a new infographic, Unpacking Age Assu
Google Ordered To Identify Who Watched Certain YouTube Videos · 2024-03-26 3 min Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Linkedin Federal investigators have ordered Google to provide information on all viewers of select YouTube videos, according to multiple court orders obtained by Forbes. Privacy experts from multiple civil rights groups told Forbes th
La Agencia ordena una medida cautelar que impide a Worldcoin seguir tratando datos personales en España | AEPD · 2024-03-23 2 min La AEPD, que exige el cese en la recogida y tratamiento de categorías especiales de datos personales así como el bloqueo de los ya recopilados, ha recibido varias reclamaciones denunciando, entre otros aspectos, una información insuficiente, la captación de datos de menores o
Implementare DORA: le buone pratiche per sopravvivere all’adeguamento normativo Cyber Security 360 · 2024-03-12 5 min Parto con un evento che nulla a che fare con DORA, ma che ben rispecchia la situazione: ogni volta che c’è una nuova normativa da implementare ecco che compaiono dal nulla esperti della materia.Pensiamo al documento di indirizzo emesso dall’Autorità Garante sui metadati del
Navigating through Challenges and Opportunities of Cybersecurity Standardisation — ENISA · 2024-03-07 2 min News Item On 5 March, the European Standardisation Organisations (ESOs), CEN, CENELEC and ETSI, joined forces with ENISA, the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity, to organise their 8th Cybersecurity Standardisation Conference. Published on March 07, 2024 The hybrid conferenc
La privacy non è un diritto assoluto del lavoratore ma il trattamento dei suoi dati personali deve essere ridotto al minimo necessario · 2024-02-26 6 min Con riferimento alla materia del lavoro, la disciplina di protezione dei dati personali prevede che il datore di lavoro può trattare i dati personali, anche relativi a categorie particolari di dati (cfr. art. 9, par. 1 del Regolamento UE 2016/679), dei dipendenti se il trattamen
FTC Order Will Ban Avast from Selling Browsing Data for Advertising Purposes, Require It to Pay $16.5 Million Over Charges the Firm Sold Browsing Data After Claiming Its Products Would Block Online Tracking | Federal Trade Commission · 2024-02-24 5 min The Federal Trade Commission will require software provider Avast to pay $16.5 million and prohibit the company from selling or licensing any web browsing data for advertising purposes to settle charges that the company and its subsidiaries sold such information to third parties
IOS notification loophole lets apps collect data about you · 2024-02-17 6 min Apple has long said that fingerprinting — tracking a user through the hardware and software features of their device — is not allowed. But apparently some popular apps have found a backdoor that they are exploiting in plain sight.Privacy researcher Tommy Mysk has discovered t
Chi vusa püsé la vaca l'è sua · 2024-02-17 25 min    Nota preliminare alla lettura: il Garante ha ragione. Non è mia intenzione confrontarmi ma ragionare e, purtroppo, lo so fare solo così. Si prega di leggere questo pezzo tenendo ben presenti le mie intenzioni semiserie e l’animo giocoso, con il dovuto rispetto per le
Airvpn 57256 termination of service in italy · 2024-02-07 < 1 min wallabag can't retrieve contents for this article. Please troubleshoot this issue.
La banca dati del dna per arrestate · 2024-02-05 < 1 min ROMA — Per il criminale è come un’ombra. Gli si incolla addosso la prima volta che un chiavistello si chiude alle sue spalle e un agente gli preleva – volente o nolente - un campione di Dna dalla bocca. Il suo profilo genetico da quel momento lo accompagnerà sulla sc
Scadenza di Google per Consent Mode e privacy degli annunci · 2024-01-31 7 min Google sta aumentando il proprio impegno nella privacy dei dati, contribuendo a promuovere la conformità tra i propri clienti. Di recente, Shirin Eightesadi, Director Product Management di Google, ha pubblicato un articolo sulle loro ultime iniziative in ambito pubblicitario. N
Spain: AEPD publishes guide on audience measurement cookies · 2024-01-24 2 min You will receive an activation email shortly with verification instructionsCreate an accountJoin our community for free to access exclusive whitepapers, reports, and regulatory information. *First Name *Last Name *Work E-mail *Company *Country Phone (Optional) At least one upperc
Privacy and AI #9 · 2024-01-23 17 min In this edition of Privacy and AI:PRIVACY • EDPB bans Meta's processing PD for behavioral ads using legitimate interests or contract in the EU• Guidelines on the use of API• AI development and use - legal basis• EDPB Guidelines 2/2023 on Technical Scope of Art. 5(3) of e

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