Implementare DORA: le buone pratiche per sopravvivere all’adeguamento normativo Cyber Security 360 · 2024-03-12 5 min Parto con un evento che nulla a che fare con DORA, ma che ben rispecchia la situazione: ogni volta che c’è una nuova normativa da implementare ecco che compaiono dal nulla esperti della materia.Pensiamo al documento di indirizzo emesso dall’Autorità Garante sui metadati del
Google attempts to defend Web Environment Integrity proposal · 2023-07-28 6 min Google's Web Environment Integrity (WEI) proposal, according to one of the developers working on the controversial fraud fighting project, aims to make the web "more private and safe."Ben Wiser, a software engineer at the Chocolate Factory, responded on Wednesday to serious conce
Social Media and Youth Mental Health — Current Priorities of the U.S. Surgeon General · 2023-05-25 8 min Up to 95% of young people aged 13-17 report using a social media platform. Nearly two thirds of teenagers report using social media every day and one third report using social media “almost constantly.”1,2Vogels et al., 2022. Rideout et al., 2022. The types of use and content
Youth Mental Health — Current Priorities of the U.S. Surgeon General · 2023-05-25 15 min Mental health conditions are real, common, and treatable. People experiencing mental health challenges deserve support, compassion, and care—not stigma and shame.Since the pandemic began, rates of psychological distress among young people have increased. The pandemic is most h
IA ICO Response tu GOV · 2023-04-11 15 min 1 The Information Commissioner’s response to the Governm ent ’s AI White Paper About the ICO 1. The Information Commissioner has responsibility in the UK for promoting and enforcing the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR), the
Il software che hackera gli smartphone è online. Scopriamo cosa contiene il leak di Cellebrite · 2023-01-16 2 min Cellebrite è una società israeliana di intelligence digitale che fornisce strumenti per le forze dell’ordine federali, statali e locali, nonché per aziende e fornitori di servizi per raccogliere, rivedere, analizzare e gestire i dati digitali.Cosa può fare il software Celle
Data protection self assessment · 2022-02-04 2 min This self assessment toolkit has been created with small organisations in min d. It will be most helpful to small to medium sized organisations from the private, public and third sectors. Good information handling makes good business sense. You'll enhance your business's reputat
toolkit for organisations considering using data analytics · 2022-02-04 3 min Who is the toolkit for?The toolkit will be most helpful to you if your organisation is at the beginning of your data analytics project lifecycle. It will help you to recognise some of the central risks to the rights and freedoms of individuals created by the use of data a

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