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POGLAVJE VII Sodelovanje in skladnost
Oddelek 1 Sodelovanje
Člen 60 Sodelovanje med vodilnim nadzornim organom in drugimi zadevnimi nadzornimi organi

1.   Vodilni nadzorni organ sodeluje z drugimi zadevnimi nadzornimi organi v skladu s tem členom in si prizadeva za soglasje. Vodilni nadzorni organ in zadevni nadzorni organi si izmenjujejo vse ustrezne informacije.

2.   Vodilni nadzorni organ lahko od drugih zadevnih nadzornih organov kadar koli zahteva zagotovitev medsebojne pomoči v skladu s členom 61 in lahko ukrepa skupaj z njimi v skladu s členom 62, zlasti pri izvajanju preiskav ali spremljanju izvajanja ukrepa, povezanega z upravljavcem ali obdelovalcem s sedežem v drugi državi članici.

3.   Vodilni nadzorni organ brez odlašanja posreduje ustrezne informacije o zadevi drugim zadevnim nadzornim organom. Drugim zadevnim nadzornim organom brez odlašanja predloži osnutek odločitve, s čimer jih zaprosi za mnenje, ki ga ustrezno upošteva.

4.   Kadar kateri koli od drugih zadevnih nadzornih organov v obdobju štirih tednov po opravljenem posvetovanju v skladu z odstavkom 3 tega člena poda ustrezne in utemeljene razloge za ugovor glede osnutka odločitve, vodilni nadzorni organ zadevo predloži mehanizmu za skladnost iz člena 63, če se z ugovorom ne strinja ali meni, da ugovor ni ustrezen ali utemeljen.

5.   Kadar namerava vodilni nadzorni organ upoštevati ustrezen in utemeljen ugovor, drugim zadevnim nadzornim organom predloži v mnenje spremenjeni osnutek odločitve. Za ta spremenjeni osnutek odločitve se v obdobju dveh tednov uporabi postopek iz odstavka 4.

6.   Kadar noben drug zadevni nadzorni organ v obdobju iz odstavkov 4 in 5 ne nasprotuje osnutku odločitve, ki jo predloži vodilni nadzorni organ, se šteje, da se vodilni nadzorni organ in zadevni nadzorni organi strinjajo s tem osnutkom odločitve, ki je zanje zavezujoča.

7.   Vodilni nadzorni organ sprejme odločitev in o njej uradno obvesti glavni ali edini sedež upravljavca ali obdelovalca, odvisno od primera, zadevno odločitev ter povzetek ustreznih dejstev in razlogov pa posreduje tudi drugim zadevnim nadzornim organom in odboru. Nadzorni organ, pri katerem je bila vložena pritožba, o odločitvi obvesti pritožnika.

8.   Z odstopanjem od odstavka 7 nadzorni organ, pri katerem je bila vložena pritožba, v primeru zavržene ali zavrnjene pritožbe sprejme odločitev, o kateri uradno obvesti pritožnika, sporoči pa jo tudi upravljavcu.

9.   Kadar se vodilni nadzorni organ in zadevni nadzorni organi strinjajo, da se zavržejo ali zavrnejo deli pritožbe in uveljavijo drugi deli te pritožbe, se za vsakega od navedenih delov zadeve sprejme ločena odločitev. Vodilni nadzorni organ sprejme odločitev o delu, ki se nanaša na ukrepe, povezane z upravljavcem, o njej uradno obvesti glavni ali edini sedež upravljavca ali obdelovalca na ozemlju države članice, za katero je pristojen, sporoči pa jo tudi pritožniku, nadzorni organ pritožnika pa sprejme odločitev o delu, ki se nanaša na zavržbo ali zavrnitev pritožbe, in o njej uradno obvesti zadevnega pritožnika, sporoči pa jo tudi upravljavcu ali obdelovalcu.

10.   Upravljavec ali obdelovalec po prejemu uradnega obvestila o odločitvi vodilnega nadzornega organa v skladu z odstavkoma 7 in 9 sprejme ukrepe, potrebne za zagotovitev spoštovanja odločitve, kar zadeva obdelavo v okviru vseh njegovih sedežev v Uniji. Upravljavec ali obdelovalec o ukrepih, sprejetih za zagotovitev spoštovanja odločitve, uradno obvesti vodilni nadzorni organ, ki to sporoči drugim zadevnim nadzornim organom.

11.   V izjemnih okoliščinah, ko zadevni nadzorni organ utemeljeno sklepa, da obstaja nujna potreba po ukrepanju zaradi varstva interesov posameznikov, na katere se nanašajo osebni podatki, se uporabi nujni postopek iz člena 66.

12.   Vodilni nadzorni organ in drugi zadevni nadzorni organi drug drugemu z elektronskimi sredstvi posredujejo zahtevane informacije iz tega člena v standardizirani obliki.

  • nadzorni 22
  • organ 18
  • odločitve 8
  • vodilni 8
  • zadevni 6
  • obvesti 6
  • odločitev 6
  • sprejme 6
  • organom 5
  • nadzornim 5
  • skladu 5
  • uradno 5
  •    vodilni 5
  • drugim 5
  • zadevnim 5
  • organi 5
  • predloži 4
  • sporoči 4
  • pritožbe 4
  • tudi 4
  • pritožnika 4
  •    kadar 4
  • člena 4
  • drugi 3
  • členom 3
  • ugovor 3
  • njej 3
  • obdobju 3
  • ustrezne 3
  • osnutek 3
  • informacije 3
  • zagotovitev 3
CHAPTER VII Cooperation and consistency
Section 1 Cooperation
Article 60 Cooperation between the lead supervisory authority and the other supervisory authorities concerned

1.   The lead supervisory authority shall cooperate with the other supervisory authorities concerned in accordance with this Article in an endeavour to reach consensus. The lead supervisory authority and the supervisory authorities concerned shall exchange all relevant information with each other.

2.   The lead supervisory authority may request at any time other supervisory authorities concerned to provide mutual assistance pursuant to Article 61 and may conduct joint operations pursuant to Article 62, in particular for carrying out investigations or for monitoring the implementation of a measure concerning a controller or processor established in another Member State.

3.   The lead supervisory authority shall, without delay, communicate the relevant information on the matter to the other supervisory authorities concerned. It shall without delay submit a draft decision to the other supervisory authorities concerned for their opinion and take due account of their views.

4.   Where any of the other supervisory authorities concerned within a period of four weeks after having been consulted in accordance with paragraph 3 of this Article, expresses a relevant and reasoned objection to the draft decision, the lead supervisory authority shall, if it does not follow the relevant and reasoned objection or is of the opinion that the objection is not relevant or reasoned, submit the matter to the consistency mechanism referred to in Article 63.

5.   Where the lead supervisory authority intends to follow the relevant and reasoned objection made, it shall submit to the other supervisory authorities concerned a revised draft decision for their opinion. That revised draft decision shall be subject to the procedure referred to in paragraph 4 within a period of two weeks.

6.   Where none of the other supervisory authorities concerned has objected to the draft decision submitted by the lead supervisory authority within the period referred to in paragraphs 4 and 5, the lead supervisory authority and the supervisory authorities concerned shall be deemed to be in agreement with that draft decision and shall be bound by it.

7.   The lead supervisory authority shall adopt and notify the decision to the main establishment or single establishment of the controller or processor, as the case may be and inform the other supervisory authorities concerned and the Board of the decision in question, including a summary of the relevant facts and grounds. The supervisory authority with which a complaint has been lodged shall inform the complainant on the decision.

8.   By derogation from paragraph 7, where a complaint is dismissed or rejected, the supervisory authority with which the complaint was lodged shall adopt the decision and notify it to the complainant and shall inform the controller thereof.

9.   Where the lead supervisory authority and the supervisory authorities concerned agree to dismiss or reject parts of a complaint and to act on other parts of that complaint, a separate decision shall be adopted for each of those parts of the matter. The lead supervisory authority shall adopt the decision for the part concerning actions in relation to the controller, shall notify it to the main establishment or single establishment of the controller or processor on the territory of its Member State and shall inform the complainant thereof, while the supervisory authority of the complainant shall adopt the decision for the part concerning dismissal or rejection of that complaint, and shall notify it to that complainant and shall inform the controller or processor thereof.

10.   After being notified of the decision of the lead supervisory authority pursuant to paragraphs 7 and 9, the controller or processor shall take the necessary measures to ensure compliance with the decision as regards processing activities in the context of all its establishments in the Union. The controller or processor shall notify the measures taken for complying with the decision to the lead supervisory authority, which shall inform the other supervisory authorities concerned.

11.   Where, in exceptional circumstances, a supervisory authority concerned has reasons to consider that there is an urgent need to act in order to protect the interests of data subjects, the urgency procedure referred to in Article 66 shall apply.

12.   The lead supervisory authority and the other supervisory authorities concerned shall supply the information required under this Article to each other by electronic means, using a standardised format.

Link to art.:

  • supervisory 31
  • shall 25
  • authority 18
  • decision 16
  • lead 14
  • concerned 14
  • authorities 13
  • controller 8
  • relevant 7
  • article 7
  • complaint 6
  • inform 6
  • processor 6
  • draft 6
  • notify 5
  •    the 5
  • complainant 5
  •    where 5
  • establishment 4
  • reasoned 4
  • adopt 4
  • objection 4
  • referred 4
  • period 3
  • concerning 3
  • within 3
  • opinion 3
  • information 3
  • thereof 3
  • submit 3
  • each 3
  • parts 3

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