YARPP <= 5.30.2 Authenticated (Subscriber+) Local File Inclusion
Wordfence.com · 2023-04-22 2 min The Wordfence Intelligence Vulnerability Database API is completely free to query and utilize, both personally and commercially, and contains all the same vulnerability data as the user interface. Please review the documentation for more information on how to query the vulnerabil
Wordpress Wordpress : List of security vulnerabilities
Cvedetails.com · 2023-04-13 < 1 min CVE is a registred trademark of the MITRE Corporation and the authoritative source of CVE content is MITRE's CVE web site. CWE is a registred trademark of the MITRE Corporation and the authoritative source of CWE content is MITRE's CWE web site. OVAL is a registered tradema
The unique advantages of a native WordPress consent management plugin The Privacy Suite for WordPress
Complianz.io · 2023-04-13 4 min Most users don’t really think about it, but unlike many other cookie banner solutions, Complianz is a fully WordPress native cookie banner plugin that works directly from your server! This is not by accident: when we started building Complianz we analyzed the different possible
All In One SEO Pack Vulnerabilities Impacting 3 Million Sites Patched
Wordfence.com · 2023-02-28 5 min On January 26, 2023, the Wordfence Team responsibly disclosed two vulnerabilities in All In One SEO Pack, a WordPress plugin installed on over 3 Million sites which provides search engine optimization tools designed to help content creators optimize their sites and reach more use
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