Spie su ruote: come le case automobilistiche raccolgono e poi rivendono informazioni
Analisideirischinformatici.it · 2023-10-27 9 min Facebook LinkedIn WhatsApp Email Allerta Pericoli Informatici sui Social : APP 1 : Allerta Pericoli Informatici Google Play Apple Store APP 2 : AiutamiSi ( tanti servizi gratuiti ) Google Play Apple Store Quali informazioni personali raccolgono le auto moderne
PI’s Guide to International Law and Surveillance
Privacyinternational.org · 2023-08-23 2 min ReportFirst published in 2017, “PI’s Guide to International Law and Surveillance” is an attempt to collate relevant excerpts from these judgments and reports into a single principled guide that will be regularly updated. This is the third edition of the Guide. It has been u
Spyware fuori controllo in Ue Guerre di Rete
Guerredirete.it · 2023-07-28 12 min Immagine in evidenza da TheLeft.Eu “Lo spyware non è solo una tecnologia. È uno strumento di una cassetta degli attrezzi più ampia, quella dell’autoritarismo. È una grave min accia per la democrazia perché non viene utilizzata contro un cittadino qualsiasi, ed è an
Criminalization of encryption : the 8 december case
Laquadrature.net · 2023-06-06 27 min This article was written on the basis of information relating to the so-called “8 December” case1For a summary of the 8 December affair see in particular the testimonies available in this Revue Z article, this Lundi matin article, the following support committee articles (he
La giornalista del Financial Times Christina Criddle è stata spiata da ByteDance utilizzando l'account del suo gatto Buffy
Redhotcyber.com · 2023-05-08 3 min La giornalista del Financial Times Christina Criddle è stata spiata da ByteDance utilizzando l'account del suo gatto Buffy Noi e i nostri partner utilizziamo i cookie per Archiviare e/o accedere a informazioni su un dispositivo. Noi e i nostri partner utilizziamo i cookie per
Medical Devices Should Use Free Software +++ 25 New Videos FSFE
Fsfe.org · 2023-03-07 4 min Pubblicato il  In this issue we have a podcast episode about the need that medical devices have Free Software. Watch our talks from FOSDEM and videos about legal issues when developing. Participants of YH4F are already coding. Thanks to all your contributions, our fundraising e
5 Lawsuits Filed in Ransomware Breach Affecting 3.3 Million
Bankinfosecurity.com · 2023-02-23 4 min Fraud Management & Cybercrime , Healthcare , HIPAA/HITECHProposed Class Actions Against Regal Medical Group Allege Negligence, Other Claims(HealthInfoSec) • February 22, 2023    Regal Medical Group in California is facing at least five proposed class action lawsuits follo
Disinformazione ed elezioni: screditare il candidato ai familiari, entrando in gmail e telegram.
Theguardian.com · 2023-02-15 8 min The undercover footage was filmed by three reporters, who approached Team Jorge posing as prospective clients.In more than six hours of secretly recorded meetings, Hanan and his team spoke of how they could gather intelligence on rivals, including by using hacking techniques to a
Statement before the European Parliament hearing on "Spyware used in third countries and implications for EU foreign relations"
Privacyinternational.org · 2023-02-02 2 min PI Opening Statement at PEGA Hearing on "Spyware used in third countries and implications for EU foreign relations" Thank you very much for offering me the opportunity to give evidence before this Committee for another time on behalf of Privacy International (or PI) – a London-
Tassonomia degli incidenti informatici. Facciamo chiarezza
Redhotcyber.com · 2023-01-16 7 min In questo articolo proveremo a entrare più a fondo nella tematica delle classificazioni relative le varie tipologie di incidente informatico.Data gli sforzi che si stanno facendo nella regolamentazione che ci troviamo ad affrontare come Sistema Paese, questo documento resta da i
L'Ucraina colpisce in Russia con droni modificati, Usa preoccupati. Zelensky celebra le forze armate in Donbass (di L. Santucci)
Huffingtonpost.it · 2022-12-07 < 1 min Pietro Batacchi a Huffpost: “Sembra che gli ucraini abbiano modificato i vecchi TU-141, dotandoli di una testata. Sono attacchi di limitato valore militare, ma di alto valore simbolico". Mosca promette una dura reazione. I timori di Washington che "depotenzia" gli Himars
Cops Can Extract Data From 10,000 Different Car Models’ Infotainment Systems
Forbes.com · 2022-12-06 5 min Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Linkedin As cybersecurity researchers detail a flaw that allowed them to unlock and start Honda and Nissan cars from anywhere in the world, border and immigration agencies are buying up tech to exploit weaknesses in vehicle security.
Cosa sono questi "Twitter Files" Il Post
Ilpost.it · 2022-12-06 10 min Caricamento player Durante il weekend il reporter Matt Taibbi, autore di una seguita newsletter e molto noto nel giornalismo americano, ha pubblicato una serie di documenti ottenuti da «fonti interne a Twitter», che secondo molti gli sarebbero stati inviati direttamente dall
Dutch MEP says illegal spyware ‘a grave threat to democracy’
Theguardian.com · 2022-11-13 6 min The senior MEP leading an inquiry into spyware has accused the EU commission of ignoring the “grave threat to democracy” posed by the use of the technology, and national governments of failing to cooperate with her investigation.The Dutch liberal MEP Sophie in ‘t Veld said
Cyber Security, l'allarme del Clusit: 'Vicini a una guerra cibernetica globale', impatti forti anche sul mondo delle imprese
Innovationpost.it · 2022-11-09 5 min “Il conflitto tra Russia e Ucraina ha messo in campo strumenti cyber-offensivi altamente sofisticati a supporto di attività di cyber-intelligence e di cyber-warfare: temiamo che questo processo sia difficilmente reversibile e che in prospettiva potrebbe causare conseguenze di
Psychotherapy extortion suspect: arrest warrant issued
Nakedsecurity.sophos.com · 2022-11-01 5 min by Imagine that you’d spoken in what you thought was total confidence to a psychotherapist, but the contents of your sessions had been saved for posterity, along with precise personal identification details such as your unique national ID number, and perhaps including addit
Come rimuovere i dati di Federico Leva dal vostro account Google Analytics
Invidious.fdn.fr · 2022-07-09 2 min Come rimuovere i dati di Federico Leva dal vostro account Google Analytics - Invidious Watch on YouTube(Embed)Switch Invidious InstanceEmbed LinkShow annotations Download as: 2274Genre: People & BlogsFamily friendly? YesWilson score: 0.5101Engagement: 1.7621%NicoVideecoI pass
Lookout Uncovers Android Spyware Deployed in Kazakhstan
Lookout.com · 2022-06-24 13 min Lookout Threat Lab researchers have uncovered enterprise-grade Android surveillanceware used by the government of Kazakhstan within its borders. While we’ve been following this threat for a while using Lookout Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) these latest samples were det

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