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FACT SHEET: Biden Harris Administration Secures Voluntary Commitments from Leading Artificial Intelligence Companies to Manage the Risks Posed by AI | The White House · 2023-07-21 5 min Voluntary commitments – underscoring safety, security, and trust – mark a critical step toward developing responsible AIBiden-Harris Administration will continue to take decisive action by developing an Executive Order and pursuing bipartisan legislation to keep Americans saf
Privacy Day forum 2023 · 2023-06-20 4 min Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche di Pisa, 25 maggio 2023 Nel giorno del quinto anniversario della storica introduzione del GDPR è tornato il Privacy Day forum, che si è svolto giovedì 25 maggio 2023 al CNR Area della Ricerca di Pisa, location che ha già ospitato l'evento d
Intelligenza Artificiale, necessario riflettere sulla natura delle decisioni algoritmiche affinché siano a vantaggio dell’uomo e non gli si ritorcano contro Federprivacy · 2023-06-06 3 min È questa l’epoca in cui, grazie alla disponibilità di dati e alla crescente capacità computazionale delle macchine, gli algoritmi possono sostituirsi efficacemente alla tipica capacità dell’uomo: decidere. Ed è questa l’epoca in cui ai regolatori di tutto il mondo spet
Data mining, big data, machine learning nei tributi e negli immobili · 2023-06-03 56 min DATA MINING E MACHINE LEARNING : LA NUOVA FRONTIERA DEI BIG DATA NEL SETTORE IMMOBILIARE Maurizio Festa * Capo Ufficio Statistiche e studi sul mercato immobiliare – OMI Agenzia delle Entrate. I contenuti dell’articolo impegnano la responsabilità dell’autor
EU and US lawmakers move to draft AI Code of Conduct fast | TechCrunch · 2023-06-01 18 min Natasha Lomas@riptari / Image Credits: Getty Images under a Jonas EKSTROMER / TT NEWS AGENCY / AFP) / Sweden OUT license.The European Union has used a transatlantic trade and technology talking shop to commit to moving fast and producing a draft Code of Conduct for artificial in
Jules Polonetsky on LinkedIn: These are the extreme AI risks, according to leading AI… | 13 comments · 2023-05-29 < 1 min Jules Polonetsky Jules Polonetsky is an InfluencerCEO, Future of Privacy forum2d These are the extreme AI risks, according to leading AI developers. 34213 CommentsSee more comments
Gestione dei documenti di identità nel rispetto della privacy · 2023-04-12 3 min Stazione di ricarica gratutita dello smartrphone? meglio evitare per non rischiare virus e furto dati personaliL'European Data Protection Board adotta le nuove Linee Guida sugli obblighi di notifica dei data breachL'Italia recepisce in via definitiva la direttiva sul whistleblowi
ChatGPT is entering a world of regulatory pain in Europe · 2023-04-11 4 min Press play to listen to this articleVoiced by artificial intelligence.ChatGPT has set itself up for a rough ride with Europe's powerful privacy watchdogs.The chatbot is the hottest sensation of artificial intelligence technology but was hit with a temporary ban in Italy last mont
IA ICO Response tu GOV · 2023-04-11 15 min 1 The Information Commissioner’s response to the Governm ent ’s AI White Paper About the ICO 1. The Information Commissioner has responsibility in the UK for promoting and enforcing the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR), the
Response to the Government’s AI White Paper · 2023-04-11 7 min Authors: James Baker and Haydn BelfieldIntroductionToday, the Government’s Department for Science, Innovation and Technology published its AI White Paper: ‘AI regulation: pro-innovation approach’. The White Paper contains the Government’s proposals for the establishment o
Restic · Backups done right! · 2023-03-16 3 min Restic is a modern backup program that can back up your files: from Linux, BSD, Mac and Windows to many different storage types, including self-hosted and online services easily, being a single executable that you can run without a server or complex setup effectively, only
Medical Devices Should Use Free Software +++ 25 New Videos FSFE · 2023-03-07 4 min Pubblicato il  In this issue we have a podcast episode about the need that medical devices have Free Software. Watch our talks from FOSDEM and videos about legal issues when developing. Participants of YH4F are already coding. Thanks to all your contributions, our fundraising e
Mots de passe : une nouvelle recommandation pour maîtriser sa sécurité · 2023-02-13 6 min Il n’existe pas de définition universelle d’un bon mot de passe mais il faut qu’il soit difficile à deviner. Pour cela, on peut jouer sur sa complexité et sa longueur pour diminuer le risque de réussite d’une attaque informatique qui consisterait à tester successivem
Cheering emerging PETs: Global privacy tech support on the rise · 2023-02-13 10 min The data economy is facing a paradox. The exponential increase in the processing of personal data has created a wide array of unprecedented possibilities to gain useful insights via artificial intelligence and machine learning. At the same time, these developments expose individ
EUR Lex 32019R0881 EN · 2023-01-31 153 min REGULATION (EU) 2019/881 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCILof 17 April 2019on ENISA (the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity) and on information and communications technology cybersecurity certification and repealing Regulation (EU) No 526/2013 (Cybersecurity Act
How to legally use Google Analytics in Europe · 2023-01-18 39 min Many website operators in Europe are at a loss: Is Google Analytics illegal? This is what recent decisions and statements by European Data Protection Authorities suggest, and some of them even say so directly. On closer inspection the situation is less black and white. Google A
Ottime nuove da Telegram. Ora puoi registrarti anche senza una carta SIM · 2022-12-12 1 min Ottime nuove da Telegram. Ora puoi registrarti anche senza una carta SIM We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device.We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product devel
Password managers for Nextcloud Nextcloud · 2022-12-06 3 min Password managers for NextcloudRecently some of our users pointed us to password manager Enpass, which recently added Nextcloud support to their choice of cloud hosting solutions. As some of our users are probably aware, for the popular Keepass password manager there is an integr
Affidamento esclusivo: resta 'immaturo' il papà che posta il tema della figlia dodicenne su Facebook · 2022-11-13 3 min Cybersecurity, il Parlamento Ue approva la Direttiva NIS 2Pubblicato in Gazzetta Ufficiale il Digital Services Act, sei mesi di tempo per adeguarsiUscita la nuova ISO 27001:2022 con gli standard su sicurezza delle informazioni, cybersecurity e privacyBig Data, medicina e privacy
Filtrare le chiamate prima di rispondere · 2022-10-31 164 min ");return(new DOMParser).parseFromString(Uf(a),"text/html").body.children[0]} function Ki(a,b){if(!a)return Mf;var c=document.createElement("div").style;Mi(a).forEach(function(e){var f=mc&&e in gca?e:e.replace(/^-(?:apple|css|epub|khtml|moz|mso?|o|rim|wap|webkit|xv)-(?=
Firefox Profilemaker · 2022-08-12 2 min Fake another Useragent Using a popular useragent string avoids attracting attention i.e. with an Iceweasel UA. (keep blank to use the default)Block Cookies Block 3rd-Party cookies or even all cookies. Block Referer Firefox tells a website, from which site you're coming (the so ca
Diffida per violazione del GDPR per utilizzo Google Analytics su sito istituzionale · 2022-05-13 9 min @Antonino_Campo il GDPR ha stabilito delle norme da rispettare e sembrerebbe che Google non si sia del tutto adeguato.Mi devo ripetere. Non sto dicendo che Google rispetti le regole, ma mi sembra strano come non si sia accorto il Garante italiano e cosa si possa temere dalla navi
Privacy and encryption | IPFS Docs · 2022-03-09 9 min As a protocol for peer-to-peer data storage and delivery, IPFS is a public network: Nodes participating in the network store data affiliated with globally consistent content addresses (CIDs) and advertise that they have those CIDs available for other nodes to use through publicly

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