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KAPITOLU III Drittijiet tas-suġġett tad-data
Taqsima 1 Trasparenza u modalitajiet
Artikolu 12 Informazzjoni, komunikazzjoni u modalitajiet trasparenti għall-eżerċizzju tad-drittijiet tas-suġġett tad-data

1.   Il-kontrollur għandu jieħu miżuri adatti biex jipprovdi kwalunkwe informazzjoni msemmija fl-Artikoli 13 u 14 u kwalunkwe komunikazzjoni skont l-Artikoli 15 sa 22 u 34 relatata mal-ipproċessar lis-suġġett tad-data f'forma konċiża, trasparenti, intelliġibbli u faċilment aċċessibbli, bl-użu ta' lingwaġġ ċar u sempliċi, b'mod partikolari għal kwalunkwe informazzjoni indirizzata speċifikament lil minorenni. L-informazzjoni għandha tiġi pprovduta bil-miktub, jew b'mezzi oħra, inkluż, fejn xieraq, b'mezzi elettroniċi. Meta tintalab mis-suġġett tad-data, l-informazzjoni tista' tingħata bil-fomm dment li tingħata prova tal-identità tas-suġġett tad-data b'mezzi oħra.

2.   Il-kontrollur għandu jiffaċilita l-eżerċizzju tad-drittijiet tas-suġġett tad-data skont l-Artikoli 15 sa 22. Fil-każijiet imsemmija fl-Artikolu 11(1), il-kontrollur ma għandux jirrifjuta li jieħu azzjoni fuq it-talba tas-suġġett tad-data biex jeżerċita d-drittijiet tiegħu skont l-Artikoli 15 sa 22, ħlief jekk il-kontrollur juri li huwa ma jkunx f'pożizzjoni li jidentifika s-suġġett tad-data.

3.   Il-kontrollur għandu jipprovdi informazzjoni dwar l-azzjoni meħuda fuq talba skont l-Artikoli 15 sa 22 lis-suġġett tad-data mingħajr dewmien żejjed u fi kwalunkwe każ, fi żmien xahar minn meta jirċievi t-talba. Dak il-perijodu jista' jiġi estiż b' xahrejn oħra fejn meħtieġ, b'kont dovut tal-kumplessità u n-numru ta' talbiet. Il-kontrollur għandu jinforma s-suġġett tad-data dwar kwalunkwe estensjoni fi żmien xahar minn meta jirċievi t-talba, flimkien mar-raġunijiet għad-dewmien. Fejn is-suġġett tad-data jagħmel it-talba b'mezzi f'forma elettronika, l-informazzjoni għandha tiġi pprovduta b'mezzi elettroniċi, fejn ikun possibbli, sakemm ma jkunx mitlub mod ieħor mis-suġġett tad-data.

4.   Jekk il-kontrollur ma jiħux azzjoni fuq it-talba tas-suġġett tad-data, il-kontrollur għandu jinforma lis-suġġett tad-data mingħajr dewmien u mhux aktar tard minn xahar minn meta jirċievi t-talba bir-raġunijiet għalfejn ma jkunx ħa azzjoni u dwar il-possibbiltà li jitressaq ilment quddiem awtorità superviżorja u li jitfittex rimedju ġudizzjarju.

5.   L-informazzjoni pprovduta skont l-Artikoli 13 u 14 u kwalunkwe komunikazzjoni u kwalunkwe azzjoni skont l-Artikoli 15 sa 22 u 34 għandhom jingħataw mingħajr ħlas. Fejn it-talbiet minn suġġett tad-data jkunu manifestament bla bażi jew eċċessivi, b'mod partikolari minħabba n-natura ripetittiva tagħhom, il-kontrollur jista' jew:


jimponi ħlas raġonevoli waqt li jqis l-ispejjeż amministrattivi talli jipprovdi l-informazzjoni jew il-komunikazzjoni jew talli jieħu l-azzjoni mitluba; jew


jirrifjuta li jieħu azzjoni fuq it-talba.

Il-kontrollur għandu jerfa' r-responsabbiltà li juri n-natura manifestament mingħajr bażi jew eċċessiva tat-talba.

6.   Mingħajr preġudizzju għall-Artikolu 11, fejn il-kontrollur ikollu dubji raġonevoli dwar l-identità tal-persuna fiżika li tagħmel it-talba msemmija fl-Artikoli 15 sa 21, il-kontrollur jista' jitlob li tiġi pprovduta informazzjoni addizzjonali meħtieġa biex tiġi kkonfermata l-identità tas-suġġett tad-data.

7.   L-informazzjoni li għandha tiġi pprovduta lis-suġġetti tad-data skont l-Artikolu 13 u 14 tista' tingħata flimkien ma' ikoni standardizzati sabiex tingħata ħarsa ġenerali lejn l-ipproċessar intenzjonat b'mod li jidher faċilment, li jinftiehem u li jinqara sew. Fejn l-ikoni jkunu ppreżentati b'mod elettroniku, dawn għandhom ikunu jistgħu jinqraw minn magna.

8.   Il-Kummissjoni hija mogħtija s-setgħa li tadotta atti delegati f'konformità mal-Artikolu 92 għall-finijiet li tiddetermina l-informazzjoni li għandha tiġi ppreżentata permezz tal-ikoni u l-proċeduri għall-għoti ta' ikoni standardizzati.

  • tad-data 15
  • il-kontrollur 9
  • skont 7
  • kwalunkwe 7
  • fejn 7
  • għandu 6
  • tiġi 6
  • minn 6
  • l-artikoli 6
  • l-informazzjoni 5
  • pprovduta 5
  • it-talba 5
  • mezzi 5
  • tas-suġġett 5
  • azzjoni 5
  • meta 4
  • informazzjoni 4
  • għandha 4
  • mingħajr 4
  • dwar 4
  • tingħata 4
  • jieħu 4
  • jkunx 3
  •    il-kontrollur 3
  • biex 3
  • oħra 3
  • jipprovdi 3
  • t-talba 3
  • jista 3
  • lis-suġġett 3
  • xahar 3
  • jirċievi 3
CHAPTER III Rights of the data subject
Section 1 Transparency and modalities
Article 12 Transparent information, communication and modalities for the exercise of the rights of the data subject

1.   The controller shall take appropriate measures to provide any information referred to in Articles 13 and 14 and any communication under Articles 15 to 22 and 34 relating to processing to the data subject in a concise, transparent, intelligible and easily accessible form, using clear and plain language, in particular for any information addressed specifically to a child. The information shall be provided in writing, or by other means, including, where appropriate, by electronic means. When requested by the data subject, the information may be provided orally, provided that the identity of the data subject is proven by other means.

2.   The controller shall facilitate the exercise of data subject rights under Articles 15 to 22. In the cases referred to in Article 11(2), the controller shall not refuse to act on the request of the data subject for exercising his or her rights under Articles 15 to 22, unless the controller demonstrates that it is not in a position to identify the data subject.

3.   The controller shall provide information on action taken on a request under Articles 15 to 22 to the data subject without undue delay and in any event within one month of receipt of the request. That period may be extended by two further months where necessary, taking into account the complexity and number of the requests. The controller shall inform the data subject of any such extension within one month of receipt of the request, together with the reasons for the delay. Where the data subject makes the request by electronic form means, the information shall be provided by electronic means where possible, unless otherwise requested by the data subject.

4.   If the controller does not take action on the request of the data subject, the controller shall inform the data subject without delay and at the latest within one month of receipt of the request of the reasons for not taking action and on the possibility of lodging a complaint with a supervisory authority and seeking a judicial remedy.

5.   Information provided under Articles 13 and 14 and any communication and any actions taken under Articles 15 to 22 and 34 shall be provided free of charge. Where requests from a data subject are manifestly unfounded or excessive, in particular because of their repetitive character, the controller may either:


charge a reasonable fee taking into account the administrative costs of providing the information or communication or taking the action requested; or


refuse to act on the request.

The controller shall bear the burden of demonstrating the manifestly unfounded or excessive character of the request.

6.   Without prejudice to Article 11, where the controller has reasonable doubts concerning the identity of the natural person making the request referred to in Articles 15 to 21, the controller may request the provision of additional information necessary to confirm the identity of the data subject.

7.   The information to be provided to data subjects pursuant to Articles 13 and 14 may be provided in combination with standardised icons in order to give in an easily visible, intelligible and clearly legible manner a meaningful overview of the intended processing. Where the icons are presented electronically they shall be machine-readable.

8.   The Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 92 for the purpose of determining the information to be presented by the icons and the procedures for providing standardised icons.

Link to art.:

  • data 15
  • subject 14
  • controller 12
  • shall 12
  • request 11
  • information 10
  • provided 8
  • articles 6
  • under 6
  • means 5
  •    the 5
  • taking 4
  • action 4
  • icons 4
  • receipt 3
  • referred 3
  • delay 3
  • electronic 3
  • requested 3
  • identity 3
  • communication 3
  • articles  3
  • month 3
  • within 3
  • refuse 2
  • without 2
  • taken 2
  • unless 2
  • reasons 2
  • character 2
  • excessive 2
  • reasonable 2

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